It's on the net, so it must be true!

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OK seriously I don't believe every thing I read on the net, but since everyone is bashing Obama thought I would post this:

Reading the headline and skimming the article entitled, Mitt Romney Registered As Lobbyist For Salt Lake City Olympics, I think a few things:

  • So what if Mitt Romney was a lobbyist for the Olympics? He helped turn the fiscally troubled games into a success -- which is a good thing, right?
  • If it's on the Huffington Post, it MUST be left wing biased.
  • One of Obama's cornerstone campaign promises in 2008 was there would be no lobbyists in his Administration. Talk about a broken promise!!! BIG TIME. Obama has surrounded himself with lobbyists!
  • Obama worked as a "community organizer" for Acorn which is guilty of numerous cases of Voter Fraud in multiple locations. I'll take a former lobbyist for what was the public interest any day over an "organizer" for corruption.
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Here's another one, wish my tax's were so low:

Mitt Romney has released his 2010 taxes. He paid millions in taxation and millions to charities. His 2011 are being completed now and there's really nothing unusual or wrong about that situation. I suspect many of us, myself included, also filed for an automatic extension to file this year. Pretty routine. He's said a number of times that he will release his 2011 return upon completion but as is so often the case, one side carries on with their talking points no matter what has actually already been stated.

You can download Mitt Romney's 2010 return here: http://www.mittromne.../wmr-adr-return

Charity's important, right? The Romneys donated 16% of their income to charity. The Obama's donated 1%. Biden donated $369... That equated to a small fraction of one percent.

An issue a lot of people are upset about, yet I don't think they fully understand, is that Romney has a lower effective tax rate because he's paying taxes on money he's already paid taxes on (capital gains!). He's not at fault in that matter. He's paying exactly what the tax code calls for him to pay.

Personally, I begrudge no one their success and would rather have a successful business person as President than a community organizer any day of the year.
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Capital gains taxes, sigh!Double taxation IMHO.
You're exactly right
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If The Huffington Post is of interest, here's a neat "companion" site: Huff Watch

For online news and opinion, personally I make a point to skip Huffington and Politico, but I don't go day without checking out:

The Drudge Report:

The Daily Caller:

Michelle Malkin:

Real Clear Politics:

The Blaze:

FOX News:

I enjoy the all but most especially The Drudge Report! It pulls stories from many sources and is alway interesting
Most of the above have great iPhone & Smart Phone aps, too, that send alerts when something big is happening
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