Worlds smallest horse

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Well shoot I didn't mean to cause issues was just warning people that the owner does watch for threads.

I so agree that he is well taken care of and loved.

I am not nearly as passionate about it as people posting on this thread.

Previously when the owner confronted me I was just answering someones question on why they promote him as a stallion.

Honestly he is not anymore exploited than a show horse is. Guess it really depends on a persons perception of exploited.

I just wish they would stop emphasizing the stallion part.

Thumbalena in my opinion is a much worse example and from the few videos etc I have seen of her does not live nearly the nice life that Einstein does. Videos of her make me want to cry as she looks so miserable or at least looks miserable in my opinion.
I guess why we should be concerned over the possibility that the owner who flaunts a dwarf all over the place might read what we think of the situation is lost on me. You actually know first hand that I don't say things online that I won't say person to person or on the phone. I think many of us here have enough confidence to say what we mean and mean what we say. We can and do walk the talk.If we're not here to share our sincere perspectives, then what's the point? And it's not as if Einstein isn't held out as a public figure... We're not talking about someone's back yard pet here.
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I just know when I opened this was the happy little horse playing with the giant ball that made me smile...and then some of the people that wiped that smile right off of my face. A very real example of why I prefer to spend most of my time with the horses. They do not judge. I may possibly be the one in fairy tale land...but if so, that is where I prefer to stay. This poor little horse and his owners and breeders have been bashed so terribly by some and I guess that I just do not understand "why". I know he appeared on the Oprah an episode that showcased "adorable" animals...NOT animals that were perfect examples of their breed. I am pretty sure that Oprah and most of her viewers that day did NOT know or care about conformational flaws...only that this was a cute little horse. I also do not expect that one person is going to go out and start a breeding program of miniature horses based on the conformation of Einstein and if they were going to do was going to happen anyway. New people get in the business every day and breed animals that should never be bred. Unfortunately that will "never" matter how much you try to is still going to happen. It is my thought that people may be "angry" at the fact that somehow Einstein got promoted as the smallest horse. I am not sure that he is...and I am not sure that he isn't. The same that I am not sure that he "didn't" weigh six pounds at birth...but then again...I am not sure that he did. I am not sure that he is a dwarf and I am not sure that he isn't. We are a little ways away from being able to prove this on any of our miniatures. I do know that Thumbelina is a dwarf and that she could never have the athletic ability and physical stamina to play with that ball as hard and as long as Einstein did in the video. I do know that Einstein has conformational faults and I suspect that his owners are aware of these faults. I am merely trying to say that based on what I have seen, I am not going to judge these people at this time. It isn't is premature and obnoxious. If I see in the future that Einstein is being bred to mares, standing at stud or had his application submitted as the supreme "example" of the miniature horse breed, then I may feel differently....but currently I do not. I would like to add that I do not know the breeders or the owners...not even their doesn't make any difference who they are...I find it very difficult to believe that they are getting "rich" from this little appearance on a talk show and some you tube videos most likely would not generate enough funds to make one rich. If he has in fact had surgery, then I would suspect that a lot of those funds went toward that. It is also very unfair to say that "if this little horse is not bringing in money, would they still care for him". Is there something that I have missed that would indicate that this would be the case? I think it was River Rose that stated that concern. I don't know you either River Rose, but I do know that you own a very rare and pretty little "brindle" mare. I have no more reason to believe that Einstein's owners would stop loving or caring for him than I would to think or suspect that you would stop loving or caring for this little mare if she shed off into a solid colored mare in the spring. I would just like to go back to the "video" for a moment and say...that I see a happy and well cared for little horse....and if it makes you feel better...I will say....I see a happy and well cared for little horse with poor conformation. Both are true statements....but I prefer the first one as I see no need to keep beating a dead horse and going on and on about this horse. There is absolutely "nothing" to gain from it...."nothing". We had two rules when I was growing up...and I am so very glad that we did..."try your very best to treat people the way that you would want to be treated".....and "if you don't have anything nice to say...keep it to yourself...especially when there is nothing to gain".... I can promise you that this "will" be my last post on, sadly, some will most likely go on and on with their personal vendetta against this horse, his owners and breeders. I feel really badly for all involved with this little horse. I hope they don't read all of this and feel the need to defend themselves. So far...there is nothing to defend....he is loved and well cared for...and "that" my friends is what really matters.


So very sorry that I meant to say Riverdance....not River Rose in reference to my one statement on this post.
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Just have to put these up there.

Forever Farm-have you read any of John Eberth's research regarding dwarfism and some of his opinions on many horses that people on here considered dwarf? It was eye-opening. I guess I have never seen a dwarf with good legs so would be interested to see yours. And saying a horse is not a dwarf because he/she is a pinto is definitely not even close to what I was saying and I actually take a little bit of offense to it. I may not be the most intelligent person in the world, but i'm not stupid either and it feels as though you just insinuated so.
Actually, yes I have read all of John's articles, and had a very nice long discussion with him at a breeding clinic that LK put on one year. He was also very much intrigued by my mare, considering her bloodlines and such, and asked would I be willing to submit pictures and blood samples for his studies, which I was certianly glad to provide for him. He confirmed that she was indeed a bracheocepalic dwarf. He has asked for her body when she passes, which she seems to say won't be anytime soon, as she's going on 20 yrs old. If you look at her younger pictures, you never in a million years would ever have thought she was a dwarf. As she's gotten older, it's become much more apparent. She was bred at a well known farm, and her sire was a very well known national champion. At John's request, I will not name her sire as the owners were ever in denial that their stallion ever produced a dwarf, even though DNA and research proves otherwise.

I also do not get where you think I was aiming any remark at you at all, and was certianly not insinuating that you were stupid in any fashion or form. I was trying to make a generalized statement that everyone could relate to, and IMO, to say that because a horse has good/bad legs does/does not make it a dwarf shouldn't be an indicator. I have seen horses with horrible legs that were not dwarves, just victims of bad conformation. While it may be a rarity for a dwarf to have straight legs, it does happen. My mare also has a dead on level bite, yet from what is written, all dwarves have either an undershot or overshot jaw.
Oh Mini Gaits, you have said it so well
I understand what you were trying to do with your comparison Forever Farms, but it was a poor one and was insulting whether or not you get it.

on another note, I have an achonroplasia mare with a dead on bite as well. Seems like you have a rare one indeed. I meant what I said about being interested in seeing pictures. Not to criticize, out of curiousity, I promise. If you ever have some free time and would be willing to share pictures, I would love to see
I understand what you were trying to do with your comparison Forever Farms, but it was a poor one and was insulting whether or not you get it.

on another note, I have an achonroplasia mare with a dead on bite as well. Seems like you have a rare one indeed. I meant what I said about being interested in seeing pictures. Not to criticize, out of curiousity, I promise. If you ever have some free time and would be willing to share pictures, I would love to see

I do apologize, it certianly was not my intent to insult you at all.

I will get some better pics of her for you, I don't take many of her and post them because she's incrediably difficult to get good pictures of. I will PM them to you
I just know when I opened this was the happy little horse playing with the giant ball that made me smile...and then some of the people that wiped that smile right off of my face. A very real example of why I prefer to spend most of my time with the horses. They do not judge. I may possibly be the one in fairy tale land...but if so, that is where I prefer to stay. This poor little horse and his owners and breeders have been bashed so terribly by some and I guess that I just do not understand "why". I know he appeared on the Oprah an episode that showcased "adorable" animals...NOT animals that were perfect examples of their breed. I am pretty sure that Oprah and most of her viewers that day did NOT know or care about conformational flaws...only that this was a cute little horse. I also do not expect that one person is going to go out and start a breeding program of miniature horses based on the conformation of Einstein and if they were going to do was going to happen anyway. New people get in the business every day and breed animals that should never be bred. Unfortunately that will "never" matter how much you try to is still going to happen. It is my thought that people may be "angry" at the fact that somehow Einstein got promoted as the smallest horse. I am not sure that he is...and I am not sure that he isn't. The same that I am not sure that he "didn't" weigh six pounds at birth...but then again...I am not sure that he did. I am not sure that he is a dwarf and I am not sure that he isn't. We are a little ways away from being able to prove this on any of our miniatures. I do know that Thumbelina is a dwarf and that she could never have the athletic ability and physical stamina to play with that ball as hard and as long as Einstein did in the video. I do know that Einstein has conformational faults and I suspect that his owners are aware of these faults. I am merely trying to say that based on what I have seen, I am not going to judge these people at this time. It isn't is premature and obnoxious. If I see in the future that Einstein is being bred to mares, standing at stud or had his application submitted as the supreme "example" of the miniature horse breed, then I may feel differently....but currently I do not. I would like to add that I do not know the breeders or the owners...not even their doesn't make any difference who they are...I find it very difficult to believe that they are getting "rich" from this little appearance on a talk show and some you tube videos most likely would not generate enough funds to make one rich. If he has in fact had surgery, then I would suspect that a lot of those funds went toward that. It is also very unfair to say that "if this little horse is not bringing in money, would they still care for him". Is there something that I have missed that would indicate that this would be the case? I think it was River Rose that stated that concern. I don't know you either River Rose, but I do know that you own a very rare and pretty little "brindle" mare. I have no more reason to believe that Einstein's owners would stop loving or caring for him than I would to think or suspect that you would stop loving or caring for this little mare if she shed off into a solid colored mare in the spring. I would just like to go back to the "video" for a moment and say...that I see a happy and well cared for little horse....and if it makes you feel better...I will say....I see a happy and well cared for little horse with poor conformation. Both are true statements....but I prefer the first one as I see no need to keep beating a dead horse and going on and on about this horse. There is absolutely "nothing" to gain from it...."nothing". We had two rules when I was growing up...and I am so very glad that we did..."try your very best to treat people the way that you would want to be treated".....and "if you don't have anything nice to say...keep it to yourself...especially when there is nothing to gain".... I can promise you that this "will" be my last post on, sadly, some will most likely go on and on with their personal vendetta against this horse, his owners and breeders. I feel really badly for all involved with this little horse. I hope they don't read all of this and feel the need to defend themselves. So far...there is nothing to defend....he is loved and well cared for...and "that" my friends is what really matters.


So very sorry that I meant to say Riverdance....not River Rose in reference to my one statement on this post.

Yes I do own a very rare brindle miniature, but I have not put her on display with the media, or wrote a book on her with a Disney contract or had hundreds of videos about her on every youtube forum one could find or posted almost daily on facebook. I have not dragged her to every TV show I could find, nor had her poked and prodded from every Tom Dick and Harry. I could have done that, and yes, they are making good money taking her on all of these talk shows. They are also making good money on Youtube and all the other video medias that he is posted on. Each video has an ad that one has to watch first before they can see the video. The maker of the video gets paid for that, a percentage of every hit after a certain number of hits. when you get over 2 Million hits on every video one posts, that is a lot of money too. Too many animals are being exploited because they are different.

I say, if they truly love him, let him stay home and be a well loved horse and quit dragging him all over the US... Next it will be overseas if they are invited, and if they have not already been there.

I am not trying to be nasty, just tired of the media hype on a horse that is a poor specimen of our breed, while they tell everyone that he is a top quality Mini. Built perfectly.. It gives a very poor impression of our breed. They are the ones that put this horse on national display, contacted Guinness, dragged him to every TV show they could get on and continue to say he is the smallest horse. He is not.

I choose to treat my horses for what they are, lovable horses and not a way to make money by exploiting them.

He is cute now and they love him now, i can only hope that they love him like this for the next 30 years.
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This is in response to the replies and not the OP. The more that this little guy is promoted the less this breed is taken seriously by real horse people. I did watch the clip of him on Oprah and I thought his harness was absurd. He is not a dog. This also gives new mini owners/enthusiasts the wrong impression. Minis are horses and should be treated as such. I wish we could have seen instead an AMHA or AMHR halter or performance champion, properly groomed and tacked, brought into the spotlight. This would be the best representation of the breed. The mini to be promoted should be proportionate, well mannered, graceful, and trained as any of his large counterparts. The fact that dwarfs are again bringing big prices is in part due to the media frenzy that has surrounded this guy. Also, isn't the breed standard the "smallest possible perfect horse? If he was competing against a 34" mini in halter who was better who would win? It isn't just about how small you can make them.
I am not here to bash anybody's horse but I will say this. Because this little horse has been on such a big media blitz, many, many people think that he is the norm and partly why the big horse people still don't take us miniature breeders seriously.
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I will have to disagree the media coverage on Einstein is "hurting" the industry. I have many non-horsey friends that have seen the media on this horse. Most have not paid much attention to what is actually being said about him, other than hes supposedly the worlds smallest horse....kinda like there's many news stories that we don't pay attention to unless someone is dead or work is going to be canceled tomorrow or are stocks are losing value, or something else serious or that directly affects us. This little horse does none of that for the average person. Most of my friends, who haven't a clue what a dwarf is can tell that it is more of a "novelty" than a "real horse" These are untrained eyes who are noticing this without my help.

Think about this. If he was indeed the "norm" and people thought he was the "norm" would people really pay attention? Would he be worthy of any news?

Oh, and let's be honest, most people don't take mini horses seriously to begin within. I am not downgrading the industry, I have invested a lot into it, but it's the truth. In my opinion, Einstein has neither helped, or hurt, the miniature horse industry and I believe he will continue on that note regardless of how much media coverage he gets.

Miniature Horses have survived commercials in miniature toy houses, Paris Hilton, and Rob Dietrich...... I think we'll survive little Einstein too
Oh and Jill, I am not here to argue your horse knowledge. BUT

Having published articles in national magazines is not indicative of knowledge. Einstein's owners have been on National Television ;)

Also, Jill, There are professional pictures on YOUR website that are photoshopped. Not as poorly as these ones, but the indicators are there. Are you ashamed of your horses as well?

Not picking on you....... MANY and maybe even MOST professional photos have some amount of photo shopping, even the horses that don't really need it.
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This is in response to the replies and not the OP. The more that this little guy is promoted the less this breed is taken seriously by real horse people. I did watch the clip of him on Oprah and I thought his harness was absurd. He is not a dog. This also gives new mini owners/enthusiasts the wrong impression. Minis are horses and should be treated as such. I wish we could have seen instead an AMHA or AMHR halter or performance champion, properly groomed and tacked, brought into the spotlight. This would be the best representation of the breed. The mini to be promoted should be proportionate, well mannered, graceful, and trained as any of his large counterparts. The fact that dwarfs are again bringing big prices is in part due to the media frenzy that has surrounded this guy. Also, isn't the breed standard the "smallest possible perfect horse? If he was competing against a 34" mini in halter who was better who would win? It isn't just about how small you can make them.


A lot of people are shocked by the quality of my horses. I think that is such a shame.

If only our best, or even our middle of the pack, were on display instead of the shortest.
I like to know how folks are now pros at picking out photoshopped pics here. And why are all pro photos considered edited?

How can you really tell unless either its blurry or you yourselves did the edits?


If you guys are good at picking out edits on pro photos, which one of these have been photoshopped???





Not a clue!

The point about photoshopping is not that there is anything wrong with putting a good picture into a better setting, or even possibly "trimming" up a brood mares belly- the point is that changing the actual conformation, especially on a stud horse or a n animal for sale, is technical fraud!

There are pictures in this months AMHA MW magazine that made me curl up and roll around on the floor- they are ridiculous- that, I think is what is wrong with photo shopping- turning your foal into a giraffe or flattening the top line of a colt you are promoting as a stallion, not merely tidying up the animal or removing a post sticking up halfway down it's back- and I do actually think everyone knows that!

Come on people, this is not worth getting bent out of shape over.

The horse does not belong to anyone here, after all.

Physically, he is a mess.

Definitely not breeding material.

I would say there is little doubt that they will breed him.

We have NO control over that.

If he ever turns up in Chances or is found festering in someone's backyard I will be the first to condemn his owners.

As it is he is just a badly behaved brat with what I consider to be a poor lifestyle- it s, however, as has been pointed out, no different form a show horse, and far better than most racing Thoroughbreds.
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Diane, I think I took what you said exactly how you hoped I would and I am happy to have laid it out for you properly. And maybe don't tell me to "get a grip" unless you're open to my suggestion regarding you obtaining a clue.

Matt, I haven't photoshopped pictures of my horses other than to touch up background on occassion. Never the horse. But maybe your remark will cause more people to go on and look at my site. That's not a problem for me.

No, being published in a magazine nor dragging an incredibly poorly made miniature horse on National TV doesn't mean you're an expert about miniature horses, but speaking of media, I am an expert on some things apart from being a knowledgeable horsewoman. One of the things I am an expert about is showcased weekly on the Nationally syndicated radio show that I now appear on... It's a blast to do and I think it's also good "infotainment" for the listeners -- of course it's about asset management and finances

I am not trying to be nasty, just tired of the media hype on a horse that is a poor specimen of our breed, while they tell everyone that he is a top quality Mini. Built perfectly.. It gives a very poor impression of our breed. They are the ones that put this horse on national display, contacted Guinness, dragged him to every TV show they could get on and continue to say he is the smallest horse. He is not.

This is in response to the replies and not the OP. The more that this little guy is promoted the less this breed is taken seriously by real horse people. I did watch the clip of him on Oprah and I thought his harness was absurd. He is not a dog. This also gives new mini owners/enthusiasts the wrong impression. Minis are horses and should be treated as such. I wish we could have seen instead an AMHA or AMHR halter or performance champion, properly groomed and tacked, brought into the spotlight. This would be the best representation of the breed. The mini to be promoted should be proportionate, well mannered, graceful, and trained as any of his large counterparts. The fact that dwarfs are again bringing big prices is in part due to the media frenzy that has surrounded this guy. Also, isn't the breed standard the "smallest possible perfect horse? If he was competing against a 34" mini in halter who was better who would win? It isn't just about how small you can make them.
That's right!

I am not here to bash anybody's horse but I will say this. Because this little horse has been on such a big media blitz, many, many people think that he is the norm and partly why the big horse people still don't take us miniature breeders seriously.
Absolutely spot on!


A lot of people are shocked by the quality of my horses. I think that is such a shame.

If only our best, or even our middle of the pack, were on display instead of the shortest.
Double LIKE!-
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I have a lot of people shocked at how different my horses are too, they have no clue either, as to who Einstein is ! ! They are shocked because there are so many other minis that they see that are much worse and in multiples. Yes breeding farms that continue to breed minis with poor conformation. In magazines, on the internet, on the side of the road. They are every where and I agree, I don't think most people that know horses, big horse people or not, think that Einstein is a good example of a horse. I have several big horse friends that know the difference and yet they still don't laugh at mine. I am on a big horse board and I answer a lot of questions about minis, there are more people on the board now that do own minis. We are comfortable on the board knowing people are not making fun of us. Actually, several of them have some of my minis, either as companions or for something for their very small children to handle. So I do try to educate the big horse people and its working. The main reason is they are not stupid and do realize a good horse from a bad horse no matter what breed they choose to own.

To much is made about this one horse, its just silly how much energy is put into trashing everything about this one horse. To what end? Is he gone? Nope, will he make more youtube videos? Probably. So what difference does it make. None.

Now as for photo shopping pictures. Its a whole lot more than just changing a background or trimming a little off a broodmares belly. Try making a head more refinded and shorter, making a neck longer, a throat latch thinner, a back shorter, a tail set higher, the list is endless. And its done every day to photos of horses for sale or for breeding. And some people are so good at it, you wouldn't even know it. I have seen photos that were photo shopped and then seen the real horse, if it hadn't been a pinto, I would have said it was two different horses but the markings matched.

So why not just let it die away. Every time its brought up it gets more air time than someone showing off their really nice horses. It just a sad state when that happens.
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To much is made about this one horse, its just silly how much energy is put into trashing everything about this one horse. To what end? Is he gone? Nope, will he make more youtube videos? Probably. So what difference does it make. None.

OK...I said no more posts about this.....BUT this is exactly what I am trying to say MinimomNC....what to heck......get over it!!!!! Life goes on.....there is no "gain" to all of this bashing....NONE.
I like to know how folks are now pros at picking out photoshopped pics here. And why are all pro photos considered edited?

How can you really tell unless either its blurry or you yourselves did the edits?


If you guys are good at picking out edits on pro photos, which one of these have been photoshopped???

Since you said which ONE, I will say the first one. It looks like the ground was edited.

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