Jack is on the mend but im still concerned

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Jack is back to his hyper trouble maker self this morning. He is playing normal, acting normal, and inhales what food he is allowed to have in no time. He takes his pills very well for me to.

By the way he feels, I do beleive his feever is gone as well.

My only concern right now is that he hasnt drank any water since yesterday morning. They did put about 200 mL of fluided I beleive under his skin. He did absorb that up in no time. It was all gone by the time I got home last night.

He has been peeing alot, even in his kennel despite haveing somebody come over and let him out for me. So for the amount of water he is peeing out, he needs to take more in. If he isnt better by tommorow then I have to take him back in, which if he isnt drinking then he will have to go back in.

He poop is pretty much back to normal, a bit soft but not to bad.

Other then the not drinking he is the Jack that he has always been.
Well he is back to his old self getting into and on everything. I have never seen a dog that can leap so high in the air to get on something he wants. He is way to smart for his own good some days.

That said,

I did call the vet this morning about the water in take. He said until he is completey back on his old food he may not take in much water as that food as a decent amount of liquids in it. He said as long as his poop is fine, he is eating and acting normal not to worry.

Which he is as normal as can be, and he isnt thrilled about being on limited food. I think he got used to me getting up all the time to let him out as he had to pee more often with the IV fluids. I was up about every hour if he could make it that long, and was awake by 5 am. So needless to say I am exhausted and thats not good since im sick. HOwever we have tommorow off, so maybe he will let me sleep a bit.

Me still being the worrier I am, he gets a mix of his special food and his old food, and I do at water to that so I know he is takeing in some.
ashley im so glad hes doing better. I must have missed the first post as ive had my hands full with tiny. it does so wear us out when our animals arent well. take care and get some rest
Ashley, trust me, I know it is hard not to worry. I do it so much it's almost like a hobby for me.

Just for future reference though, if a dog is peeing a lot, then he is not dehydrated
You can also do the gum press thing on a dog as you would a horse, and can grab the scruff of his neck to see how quick it goes back to like it should (like pinching a horse's neck). If it takes longer than normal to go back down flat after you grab it, that can be an indication of dehydration. This "test" isn't real easy on my shih-tzu's and would also not be easy on Mitzy since these kinds of dogs got extra room in their skin
Yes but I could not figure out how he was peeing so much when he wasnt takeing anything in. I did not know his special food had added water in it.
: When Pepe the Papillon was not drinking water like he should, We gave him chicken broth soon he was back to drinking normally.

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