Well-Known Member
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day here in upstate NY. My family and I made the 3 1/2 hr trek to visit Karla and her family. Great conversation and delicious food followed by some work with horses defines the perfect day trip to me
Karla showed us what she and Rosie had been working on with clicker training. It was fun to watch and has inspired me to try at home (I have used it w/ dogs) w/ my horse. In this pic she and Rosie are backing.
Then it was on to Jazz. Ashley was so happy to share what we do with our horses with Karla. Jazz is a smart boy and quickly understood what was being asked of him.
The smile on Karla's face gives a clue as to how much fun this kind of "work" is
Without a doubt Jazz enjoyed what we did yesterday. He wanted to stay out and do more and more. He is indeed a very good boy with a great personality. And Rosie-sigh- such a happy little firecracker. Ash loved playing with her
It was a great day!
edited to add that OOPPS Ash was logged on...this is drivin*me*buggy

Karla showed us what she and Rosie had been working on with clicker training. It was fun to watch and has inspired me to try at home (I have used it w/ dogs) w/ my horse. In this pic she and Rosie are backing.

Then it was on to Jazz. Ashley was so happy to share what we do with our horses with Karla. Jazz is a smart boy and quickly understood what was being asked of him.

The smile on Karla's face gives a clue as to how much fun this kind of "work" is

Without a doubt Jazz enjoyed what we did yesterday. He wanted to stay out and do more and more. He is indeed a very good boy with a great personality. And Rosie-sigh- such a happy little firecracker. Ash loved playing with her

It was a great day!

edited to add that OOPPS Ash was logged on...this is drivin*me*buggy
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