Jeffrey’s update.

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12/26 A nice day, partially cloudy to work with Jeffrey. We walked and jogged inside our lot. I lunged him at a walk both directions without a fight. I set up 4 inch bricks with a post over them for an obstacle. He walked and jogged over it with no issues. Ended with a 1/2 mile walk down the road and back. He didn't want to leave. It didn't help that Mint was running and calling after him the whole time. Note to self. More time away from the barn is needed.👍
Your progress is very impressive! You have really put in the effort to help Jeffrey grow into a working partner.

When we acquired Madelaine, donkeys were absolutely foreign territory to me, and I did nothing much with her. Her owner had passed away and another equine mutual friend always referenced Maddie as “that naughty donkey”. Naughty we have never really seen, she is actually gentle and tolerant. We have taken little walks, grooming, regular hoof care, and scratches and hugs, but no real challenges. Now “suddenly” she is 22 years old!

Hats off to you and Jeffrey! 😍
Your progress is very impressive! You have really put in the effort to help Jeffrey grow into a working partner.

When we acquired Madelaine, donkeys were absolutely foreign territory to me, and I did nothing much with her. Her owner had passed away and another equine mutual friend always referenced Maddie as “that naughty donkey”. Naughty we have never really seen, she is actually gentle and tolerant. We have taken little walks, grooming, regular hoof care, and scratches and hugs, but no real challenges. Now “suddenly” she is 22 years old!

Hats off to you and Jeffrey! 😍
Thank you Maryflora. I had no idea how challenging Jeffrey would be. He has taught me so much patience. I should have had a donkey years ago.😁
The best guess Jeffrey is about 18-19 years old. How long have you and Madelaine been together?
I bought a blanket for Jeffrey. Rain is predicted and a cold spell for this weekend into next week. So, just in case they are right I will have it.
I have no idea if he has ever had a blanket on but he must be use to my costumes shenanigans. He did not take flight when I put it on today to see how he would react. He did not look happy either🤣 After we went on a half mile walk and a think I was forgiven.
Awe! He's learning to be a pampered donkey!!! What a loving mom he has. You take such good care of your boy ❤️
Yesterday, it was cold and snowing with rain. Today, sunny 54 degrees. Snow is gone. A good day for a Jeffrey walk😀 1 mile The longest I have attempted to wander from home. My confidence is building. He did absolutely great👍🫏
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