Oh no Matt, my heart just sank when I came to the forum (sorry I am so late in getting into this) and saw your post on Royal. Sending prayers your special boy will be OK and pull through with flying colors. Wishing you both the very best.
Matt, you have my prayers and good thoughts! I know how stressful this is on the human half of the equation and am praying you get good news this morning!
Just talked with one of the vets. No big change from yesterday. Still depressed, just picking at his hay. Passing "cow-pies" (at least it's not water shooting out like yesterday). Blood work shows low white blood count which means he's fighting something...They are just trying to keep him hydrated for now and will administer antibiotics tomorrow if he hasn't improved (something about not wanting to screw up the good flora in his stomach with this infection). So...no worse...but no real progress yet, either; he had said that with cases like this it can take 4-7 days