It was a good night last night.
I slept in the barn . The one benefit to be sleeping in a metal shell with temps around 36 is if you are a heavy sleeper you will be so cold you will be awake plenty of times to keep an eye on things.
I did notice Onyx shivering when she would lie down. I had bought a dog blanket but had hesitated to use it because it is not velcroe. But I had no choice last night so she did get her blankie.
She seems to be nursing best I could see with a flashlight and between the icicles dripping over my eyes.
Her foot appears to be normal now. Unless I was hallucinating from hypothermia and lack of sleep
I have not been able to catch her pooing. Even yesterday she wasn't pooing often..just icky stuff when she did. Her urine seems clear and dilute all good signs.
she seems frisky enough. The vet yesterday said she acted fine. But that is because she doesnt know what her normal is. she is a fiesty! Last night she had a lil excersize in her small stall. As tight a cirlce as she had to run..she should be a lil barrel horse.
Jewel has a ton of milk. It literally squirts out. I am wondering if i should milk some out so that baby doesnt inhale as much as she ingests.she takes a lil slurp and then shakes her head overload overload
Thank God JJ didnt give birth last night. She was put up in a very nasty stall. I just didnt have any tiime to clean it up yesterday. Thats all i would need is a baby born in total filth...
I just want to thank each and every one of you Aunties. You have been so much help and your support has been so appreciated. I am thankful that i found you.i will put pictures that I took yesterday at the vet..and maybe of a very perky Onyx later today kep praying it is working:>)