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Filipowicz Farm

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2003
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Has anyone received there Journal yet? It use to be when you placed a ad you got a copy before the rest were mailed out.Just seems like forever to get this issue about Nationals.
[SIZE=12pt]I contacted the office a couple of weeks ago and was told that the person that is in charge is out sick and that they didn't know when the Journal would be printed. This is the same thing that happened last year, the same person same sickness. (Strange what is wrong with this picture) Every year at the same time this person gets sick and the Journal is alway's 2-3months late. I think that I would get someone that could be counted on since this is such a popular magizine for ASPC/AMHR. Again the office at AMHR said they didn't know when the Journal would be out. Go Figure
I'm not sure if the position is appointed or the exact details to become the Editor, but I would be willing to step in and help.

- My credentials include a BS in Journalism (News Editorial) and graphic layout (newspaper and other print media).

- I was the editor of an equine art magazine for 4 years. I not only had the standard duties as editor, but was responsible for content, layout, photography and subscriptions

- Successfully raised over $30,000 to support the magazine and to be able to giveaway special editions at events.

- I tripled subscriptions in less than 4 months.

- I also worked in the printing industry for over 10 years and actually spent time printing, binding and mailing the issues.

- I also held a full-time job while running the magazine.

Maybe I can offer the association my expertise as an editor.
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Maybe send them this information. I know that at times by the time people receive the Journal there ad is outdated. I also have noticed that there are fewer ads and people using the Breeders advertisment in the back.I know part of it is many are out of work or times are not as good but I also beleive part of it is the delay in the magazine.
I've been waiting impatiently myself
I was definitely expecting it by now. The wait is driving me a little crazy! Can't say why in case hubby reads this.
I'm not sure if the position is appointed or the exact details to become the Editor, but I would be willing to step in and help.
- My credentials include a BS in Journalism (News Editorial) and graphic layout (newspaper and other print media).

- I was the editor of an equine art magazine for 4 years. I not only had the standard duties as editor, but was responsible for content, layout, photography and subscriptions

- Successfully raised over $30,000 to support the magazine and to be able to giveaway special editions at events.

- I tripled subscriptions in less than 4 months.

- I also worked in the printing industry for over 10 years and actually spent time printing, binding and mailing the issues.

- I also held a full-time job while running the magazine.

Maybe I can offer the association my expertise as an editor.
I think maybe you should apply. This is a little ridiculous....2 to 3 more months???? Why did I bother paying for an ad??? It will make me think twice next time whether it is worth the money. It's our first National Top Ten and we were really proud but this wait and apparent lack of customer service has left a slight bitter taste from this part of the experience.
Is this for AMHR? I joined in October and haven't seen anything yet. Just curious.
[SIZE=12pt]Well the only thing that I know is the Jouranl is AT THE PRINTER !! Maybe Lewella who is the Chairman of the Journal committee can get on here and shed some light .. [/SIZE]

I CAN TELL YOU IT WILL NOT BE 2 OR 3 MORE MONTHS... !! Not sure where that statement came from but it is incorrect!!
Oh thanks Belinda... guessing if it is at the printer now we should start seeing it around early Feb been a long wait I know it is much anticipated for so many
We should have an ad in it as well- havent seen it just told Amy kinda what I wanted and I know she will take care of it so it will be a surprise for us
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It is rather irritating to have to wait so long for our registry magazine. Some breed magazines have a monthly magazine much larger than ours and it gets here every month on time. Maybe their budget is more and their staff is bigger - I don't know. But I do know this has been going on a long time - too long, but the "powers that be" in the club will never find a new editor since the current one has a long-standing family association to the club. In addition, one does not want to get on the wrong side of the current editor as I have been through that and it is not pleasant. I suppose I will receive some comments about this post, but the truth hurts. We do need to contact our directors so they know the membership is not happy, but honestly I doubt anything will be done.
Honestly the Journal needs help. The same thing happened last year and also they said corrections needed to be done but yet never saw any corrections and the problems weren't even solved at the time the National Journal was printed out I believe.

The staff I think needs more staff. I have also noticed fewer ads and defintelly few breeder directory ads. Our membership money goes towards the Journal I would like too see it done better.
Things happen, I understand that. I want my journal, would love to have it in my hands now to take into work and read tonight but it isn't here.

I know it will get here - That is what matters!
We are anxiously waiting for the Journal too! I can't complain about it being late though. Amy has only been good to us, helped us deisign ads and alert us for deadlines. Some times we are right down to the wire getting our ads submitted and I am guessing there are probably others out there like us. I can't imagine how hard it must be putting a National magazine together. We did a little newsletter called the Short Snorts for our Iowa Club and it was not only a lot of work, but a lot of stress trying to please everyone. I really appreciate all the hours and hard work that goes into making a nice magazine. Lavonne
The Journal is at the printer and I think is ready to be shipped out. The reason it is late is the office's fault. They gave the editor stuff from Nationals that needed to be in the Journal, late. And other people who have advertised in the Dec./Jan. issue, gave the editor their stuff late as well, (pictures, write ups, pedigrees, etc.). One thing to get the Journal moving faster would be for people who advertise, to get everything together and send in early. But, the office still needs to get in order and send things on time as well.

I do not think that the office held the Journal up !! Actually I know that is not how it happened . Now I will say that Amy is maybe too good about letting Us advertisers get out ad material in way to late. !! As I know myself I have been late... But let's not throw the blame on the Office not this time ..
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I would guess if those late ads missed the issue then that would quickly solve the late ad material becoming the issue. I realize it is a catch 22 as we need the ads in the magazine I am not sure what the answer is I just know that even for my own kid who did well at Nationals well at this point being almost Feb.. that was then. almost 5 months ago. this is now and most are over 09 Nationals and on to the 2010 show season which is a bit sad for all those who did well and are so proud and waiting their moment in the spotlight

I know it was even harder for anyone to make the deadline before the dates for issues were changed so again not sure what the answer is to fix it
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