Wonderful photos, wonderful of you to do what it took to make this happen!!
This kind of happening is one of the MOST gratifying things you can do with miniature horses!! I have been to a number of nursing homes-and most wonderfully, for me, was when a longtime horsewoman and acquaintance asked if I had 'someone' who could be taken into a home, to the bedside of her friend who was near death from cancer. Elsie(my longtime acquaintance)came out from the city in her fullsized van to get us, and 'Gal', a sweet small bay pinto filly, and I rode in with her to a cozy little adobe home in a quiet Albuquerque neighborhood . "Gal" was a champ, carefully negotiating the tile floors into the dear lady's bedroom,where she stood quietly and patiently the entire time of our visit. The woman died only a couple of days later; the wonderful feeling of what 'Gal' was able to do for her is with me, still, years later!
Congratulations on your caring heart!