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You are entitled to your opinion....BUT your use of the poodle as an example isn't a good one.............I own a nasty poodle (standard sized) he is a pain in my butt as he is way over protective and he isn't the first one I have met that is this way..............the only dogs my oldest son has ever been bitten by were a toy poodle (who loved kids) my vets golden retriever (poor vet felt horrible) and my sons friends ACD (heeling instinct not curbed).........................I stand by my statement. Sorry. But I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. I've worked in animal hospitals my entire life and have enough experience with them to validate my feelings. The lady that owns my Pet Supply shop raises Pit Bulls and we've had this conversation many times.IMO...the only good pit bull is a dead pit bulland I hope these animals are time it may be someone's child.
I'm not implying that only PB attack..I'm not silly in the head. I'm just saying they are too unpredictable for my taste and I'd never own a PB ever. And any neighbor of mine that has one had better keep it out off my property. Flame away :bgrin
Sorry didn't realize I wasn't finished.
How many times have you turned on the TV and heard about a PB mauling someone's child.....I have heard it too many times . How many times have you heard about PB fighting rings...there's a reason why they use PB.
I've never seen a news clip "Child mauled by poodle ". I know how you raise one does make a difference, but I for one am NOT willing to risk my child or my livestock OR a lawsuit.
My aunt raises Boxers for a living and shows all over the country, she has a friend that used to raise PB and her friend stopped raising , breeding and showing because "something has changed in the breed..something in their heads just clicks and they go nuts one day" . these are not my words, but the words of a retired breeder.
OK, now ya'll can Flame Me All you want, it won't change my opinion.
I do not care what breed of dog it is all dog's can lose their cool and become a fact once again I am going to have to fully fence MY property to dog proof because all my neighbors let all their un-neutered labs and lab crosses roam and I am tired of them barking at my horses in my field and harassing my dogs on my property and crapping in my yard............................yet I do not blame the dog's they are just being dog's it is the owners who need to be shot if you ask me........................I own dogs I keep them on my property I do not let them run wild in the streets bothering my neighbors......and if by some fluke one got out and did damage to someone elses animals and suffered the consequences it would be MY fault not my dog's..............................
And all my years as a groomer/pet tech I have to say the most bites were inflicted by shelties, doxies, and chi's......yet I would never say the only good sheltie is a dead one

I am sorry to hear that a mini died in such a violent horrible for the horses owners.