Just read about another dog attacking a Mini

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IMO...the only good pit bull is a dead pit bulland I hope these animals are destroyed...next time it may be someone's child.
I stand by my statement. Sorry. But I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. I've worked in animal hospitals my entire life and have enough experience with them to validate my feelings. The lady that owns my Pet Supply shop raises Pit Bulls and we've had this conversation many times.

I'm not implying that only PB attack..I'm not silly in the head. I'm just saying they are too unpredictable for my taste and I'd never own a PB ever. And any neighbor of mine that has one had better keep it out off my property. Flame away :bgrin

Sorry didn't realize I wasn't finished.

How many times have you turned on the TV and heard about a PB mauling someone's child.....I have heard it too many times . How many times have you heard about PB fighting rings...there's a reason why they use PB.

I've never seen a news clip "Child mauled by poodle ". I know how you raise one does make a difference, but I for one am NOT willing to risk my child or my livestock OR a lawsuit.

My aunt raises Boxers for a living and shows all over the country, she has a friend that used to raise PB and her friend stopped raising , breeding and showing because "something has changed in the breed..something in their heads just clicks and they go nuts one day" . these are not my words, but the words of a retired breeder.

OK, now ya'll can Flame Me All you want, it won't change my opinion.
You are entitled to your opinion....BUT your use of the poodle as an example isn't a good one.............I own a nasty poodle (standard sized) he is a pain in my butt as he is way over protective and he isn't the first one I have met that is this way..............the only dogs my oldest son has ever been bitten by were a toy poodle (who loved kids) my vets golden retriever (poor vet felt horrible) and my sons friends ACD (heeling instinct not curbed).........................

I do not care what breed of dog it is all dog's can lose their cool and become a problem...............in fact once again I am going to have to fully fence MY property to dog proof because all my neighbors let all their un-neutered labs and lab crosses roam and I am tired of them barking at my horses in my field and harassing my dogs on my property and crapping in my yard............................yet I do not blame the dog's they are just being dog's it is the owners who need to be shot if you ask me........................I own dogs I keep them on my property I do not let them run wild in the streets bothering my neighbors......and if by some fluke one got out and did damage to someone elses animals and suffered the consequences it would be MY fault not my dog's..............................

And all my years as a groomer/pet tech I have to say the most bites were inflicted by shelties, doxies, and chi's......yet I would never say the only good sheltie is a dead one

I am sorry to hear that a mini died in such a violent manner............how horrible for the horses owners.
I did notice the dog's owner was named and there are semi-quotes of him in the article, and not a single mention of the farm or the horse owner's feelings/words/thoughts.
Poor guy... what a terrible way to go.
and you can bet that if the dog owner was Joe Blow, this would not have made the papers at all! :no:
Well I take full responsibility for taking this in a direction in which it was NOT intended.

And I hope the minis didn't suffer too much. I lost a goat to dogs last year and the thought of the pain she surely endured sickened me.
I did notice the dog's owner was named and there are semi-quotes of him in the article, and not a single mention of the farm or the horse owner's feelings/words/thoughts.
Poor guy... what a terrible way to go.
and you can bet that if the dog owner was Joe Blow, this would not have made the papers at all! :no:
But if Mr Porter owned the mini, it would have made national headlines!!
The breed of the dog is irrelevant.

The horse should not have died, this man should not have allowed his dogs to get out- no-one should.

The owners of the horse will have to bring a civil action of criminal damage- or some such- in order to get any sort of recompense if the guy does not do the right thing and settle up with them- which as he obviously can well afford to, he ought to do without prompting.

This could well be why the Farm in question is not named- keep a low profile, don't press charges and we'll see you right-??

At the end of the day- there were no Pit Bulls in the pack that savaged Tony's herd and statistically more people get bitten by Cocker Spaniels (Cocker rage is a terrible problem) and (I'm SORRY!!) JRT's than Pit Bulls- A woman in California was killed by her pack of JRT crossbreeds!!!

It used to be GSD's then it was Dobes, then Rotties and now it's Pit Bulls- which bred will be next to be slandered??

A pack of dogs, irrespective of breed, running loose, will kill if they can- and any number more than one is a pack.
Well, all I can say is, a Dog is a predator. They do not have any more rights to life than any other animal on this planet.

Just because the dogs are nice to their owners doesn't mean it will be nice to others or animals.

My rules is....and I learned the hard way. If a dog harasses or harms my animals it does not leave my land period. I don't want to hear about....poor doggy this...and poor doggy that, poor doggy doesn't understand what it is doing. Hate to break it to folks but that dog knows exactly what it is doing.

Why does it seem like dog owners think it is OK to have theirs or other dogs owners dog harm or kill other animals?

That a dog kills another animal....ah well...no biggie, feel sorry for them...but what I am hearing is so what? and if someone shoots a dog.....oh my god that is a crime greater than murder?

Sorry, my animals don't bother anyone else and have as much right to life as dogs do. They have to right to live in safety without worry a dog will come along and murder them.
I truely agree. No animal innocent, that is why they are animals. Just like some people. Some are good, and others kill. It is just not fair to the animals that get attacked or killed. They don't ask for it, they are just minding their own. No matter what type a dog, as a dog is a dog... And even though we may love them, you have to treat each animal like they are a animal. You can never predict what ANY animal can do... I have two dogs, and i love them to death. But, I treat them as they are animals. Never put yourself in the postion that they can be trusted. Because in this real world, you really can trust the actions of any animal or person for that matter...Always use caution, because when we let the guard down, that is usually when something happens..

More than 30 yes 30 different breeds have been known to cause human fatalities. Including a Pomeranian who mauled a 4 year old child. I am not sure if there are any statistics kept on what breed of dog is on the top 10 for livestock death.

Below are some interesting statistics.

Just 0.000001% of 'pit bulls' have been attributed with human fatalities in the past 40 years. This leaves 99.99999% of all 'pit bulls' innocent of accusations they're all "killers".

Mixed breeds and not pure bred dogs are the type of dog most often involved in inflicting bites to people. The pure-bred dogs most often involved are German shepherds and Chow chows.

The list of breeds most involved in both bite injuries and fatalities changes from year to year and from one area of the country to another, depending on the popularity of the breed.

As I mentioned I do not have statistics for livestock deaths by breed or what is a top breed for livestock death.
I do think that is terribly sad.

I also think that we can do something about it as horse owners and that is get adequate fencing. Not saying it stops all dog attacks but I think it is my responsiblity to make my horses safe. I have wooden fencing and have it lined with a wire fencing, 4 feet high to keep animals out. We don't have many stray dogs around here but even a visiting neighbours dog could chase my horses and cause injury so I have provided suitable fencing to keep them out.

I am not sure if in this case there was good fencing or not just think it is definately a worthwhile procaution.
Just for the record, Joey Porter (a VERY nice person who does tons of charity things) is quoted elsewhere as saying he would do anything he possibly can for the owner of this horse, monetarily or otherwise. He feels absolutely awful about it. Doesn't know how his dogs got out.........he said they are in a fenced area. It was, by the way, a pit & a mastiff, just for the record.

Oh, and by the way, here are my pits (ok, Am Staffs, & most people don't know the difference)........I don't know what I would ever do without them. They wouldn't hurt You, Your Kids (Love any kids), your cats, your dogs, your horses. These pix say more than I ever could. PLEASE::::::::::::::::: punish the DEED, not the BREED. ANY DOG is a potential preditor, it's up to the owners to train their dogs & control/contain them. My dogs NEVER NEVER are unsupervised or at large -- EVER.

Try to, and I know it's hard when a prejudice is already there, but try to look at these with an open mind. They are the breed. They are also raised right and knowledgeably. I'm first to say: They are NOT the breed for everyone & people who honestly understand the breed and love them would prefer that everyone didn't get them. I culd go on & on.........I'll let the girls speak for themselves.

First my Dear Prudence (rest in peace, my angel) and then my now wonderful Ursa Minor. Quit, please, hating them all.

Watching over mom & newborn.

Helping clean a newborn filly.

Making a new acquaintance.

Saying hello to brand-new Betsy.

Inviting babies to play - like this EVERYTIME.

A close up look at how things work.

Does anyone believe me yet that they are not ALL KILLERS???? Last week, by the way, a Golden attacked Ursa at the vet's office. Ursa just wanted to leave! The Golden was totally out of control. Ursa was baffled.

I do of course extend my sympathies for the owners of this poor little horse that was lost. It is a tragedy I wouldn't wish on anyone.
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I don't care if they are all killers or not; all I know is that if a neighbor's dog is going to come over here & get after my horses I sure do hope it is a chihuahua or pomeranian rather than a pitbull!
: I'd even let the chi or the pom live.

What a tragic end for the horse in this story, and I do hope that Mr. Porter does make restitution for the loss without having to be taken to court.
The mini's death is very sad

However, I object very strongly to the statement about pit bulls. One, even if people ARE using pit bulls for fighting, that STRENGTHENS their lack of aggression towards humans. Fighting dogs have to be handled in a very excited, aggressive state, and a dog that will turn that aggression onto its handler would be worth nothing. I do not agree with fighting, by any means, but using the fact that they're fighting dogs to say you wouldn't trust them around your kids is absolute bologna. I've had my fair share of breed bias directed towards my dogs, 3 dobermans, and multiple pits/american bulldog/boxers/other "scary" breeds in the past. I'm sorry but, for boxers, they aren't my type of dog, but I will say for them that those i've met, those PROPERLY bred and PROPERLY raised in a loving home are probably the happiest, most bonded, most loving breed i can think of. The pit bulls i've had in my house and met outside of it have all been EXTREMELY friendly, wonderful, devoted family dogs. I know one lady whose young toddlers ride on her pitbull's back. I wouldn't hesitate to own a pitbull.

As far as your retired boxer breeder's opinion -- all i can think of is that she was breeding dogs with personality/temperament defects that were passing on to her puppies, because I know several boxer breeders and owners who will never own another breed in their life.

My grandmother's cocker spaniel mix would bite 100 times before any of my dobermans would even CONSIDER it. And there's that story of the staffordshire bull terrier (a very "pit"-looking breed) that didn't move as the toddler, unattended, put a whole cushion of needles into his nose.

I'm sorry, but you really can't post raw, offensive comments like that on a public board with (i'm sure) many bully-breed lovers, without expecting some backlash.
In reality this is just a horrible accident. The owner didn't mean for his dogs to get out. I have owned many dogs in my life and they are all different. This is just an unfortunate accident. Just like if your horse got out and caused someone to have a vehicle wreck and die. Accidents happen. However now that the owner knows that his dogs can get out and that they will hurt livestock he needs to take extra precautions to make sure it doesn't happen again. Just my opionion, but people need to take each situation and look at them individually. All people, animals and situations are unique.

I'll call little Roddie Dumas' mother and tell her all of this and see if it makes her feel any better.

I really don't care about backlash....if I was worried about it I never would have made the statement.

EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO HIS OR HER OPINION ...this was not a personal attack against anyone here. I just happen to not care for the breed.

Yes , some of my comments may have been harsh but it's a harsh world...toughen up.

My own 2 children have been bitten in the face by dogs, 1 a boston terrier (BTW, I hate those too) and the other was a Golden Retriever.

Again I know that PB are NOT the only aggressive breed..I never stated that. I just said I don't like them. I've seen too many of them maul children.

And guess what ..I HATE broccolli, so come broccolli growers come and get me....

Lighten up people it's just an opinion.

I didn't mean to take this further into the gutter but some people won't give it a rest.
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Well, at least it looks like the dog owner is trying to step up to the plate and make things as right as possible.
WoW! I am sorry for the horse and the people that owned it. They must be heart broken.

On a different note here..... there was another attack by a PB in FL just last week on a mini and a little girl.

Even shows a picture of the little girl with her mini!

You can read that one here:

Dog Attacks Miniature Horse in Port Orange, Fl

Must be something in the air as to why all these dogs are going mad!

I know I wouldn't own one. Hubby shot one last year that attacked our dashies!

For anyone interested in reading the only current 20 year study pertaining to dog fatalities in humans I went and grabbed this link

dog bite fatalities

this is the study that the insurance companies base there premium rates on.......................this is an actual study so not an opinion and over 20 years there weren't near the number of fatalities of humans that you would think there were based on some of these discussions............................
Those dogs need to be euthanised right away. They will do it again,perhaps to a child next time?

Any type dog can do this.... I had a Siberian Husky after my horses. He would come on the weekends. It turns out the owner, a divorced guy had his kids on the weekends and the kids "let" the dog out. I spoke with the man and he said the dog is gentle and only wanted to play. I am an adult and I know what a dog stalking prey looks like. This was not playing, the dog was hunting. I told him if the dog ever showed up again, he will be dead. Fortunatley the owner believed me. I would have made good on my promise.
What a terribly tragic situation. I feel so bad for the miniature horse - it did not have a chance and what a horrible way to die.

We have 3 German Shepherds and I do not think they would ever attack my miniatures but I would NEVER take the chance. They are never, ever allowed to be loose without supervision.

I feel the focus of this thread needs to be on the loss of the horse, like rabbitsfizz said the breed of the dog is irrelevant.
I am not going to get into the debate as to which breed of dog is most likely to bite or maul other animals. They all will in the right situation and folks should realize as keepers of our animals we owe them a safe and healthy environment to live in. Be they equine, canine, feline or whatever.

But I will say it is a real shame the folks lost the mini. I remember distinctly when Tony G. was telling me about his dog attack and it brought back the feelings we had when the coyotes were such a big problem around here. Before we got our guard dogs and Jenny's in each pasture. A bad situation for the horse, it's owner and the owner of the dogs, if he is an animal person which from the interview it appears he is.

Sorry to hear about the whole deal

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