Well-Known Member
Hello all you Nursury Moms,
Here I go... I have a maiden mare who is confirmed in foal. She went to the breeders 5/17/12 and was put in immediately with the stallion, stayed for two months and was sent home because she kept coming back into heat. Obviously something must have been wrong with her right???
Well, fast forward to the end of November 2012. I was looking at her after a rain storm and thought, wow... she just looks bigger than normal for her. (I have had her for 4 years and know her pretty well) Well, since I was taking my other horses to the vet to get teeth floated, I threw Babe in the trailer for the ride to have her preg checked. The vet barely got her hand in and proclaimed "Yup, she's definately preggo!"
So... Not sure what date she took, but I am going with the first breeding since she is still teasing my stallion and has all year. She has made definate changes in her belly and now I am going with her 300 days being 3/15. The below photo was taken 3/24.
So, here starts the questions...
1. When would you take a maiden mare to the foaling barn? (I work FT, 35 miles away from home and no one is there during the day to watch her.)
2. Yesterday she spent a good part of the day laying down. I also found her standing "wierd" back leg stretched, then switch to the other back leg stretched. And, not at all acting like her normal self. In a period of 30 minutes her belly made a lot of changes, from side to side baby to up and down baby. She always comes when I call from the pasture gate and she wouldn't. I moved her to a separate pasture where I could keep an eye on her. She is acting fine this morning and all night was her normal self. She was angry that she is seperated from the herd, so I put a yearling filly out with her for company. Is this normal? Just discomfort from the baby switching position?
I know I have more questions, but I will start with these.

Here I go... I have a maiden mare who is confirmed in foal. She went to the breeders 5/17/12 and was put in immediately with the stallion, stayed for two months and was sent home because she kept coming back into heat. Obviously something must have been wrong with her right???
Well, fast forward to the end of November 2012. I was looking at her after a rain storm and thought, wow... she just looks bigger than normal for her. (I have had her for 4 years and know her pretty well) Well, since I was taking my other horses to the vet to get teeth floated, I threw Babe in the trailer for the ride to have her preg checked. The vet barely got her hand in and proclaimed "Yup, she's definately preggo!"
So... Not sure what date she took, but I am going with the first breeding since she is still teasing my stallion and has all year. She has made definate changes in her belly and now I am going with her 300 days being 3/15. The below photo was taken 3/24.
So, here starts the questions...
1. When would you take a maiden mare to the foaling barn? (I work FT, 35 miles away from home and no one is there during the day to watch her.)
2. Yesterday she spent a good part of the day laying down. I also found her standing "wierd" back leg stretched, then switch to the other back leg stretched. And, not at all acting like her normal self. In a period of 30 minutes her belly made a lot of changes, from side to side baby to up and down baby. She always comes when I call from the pasture gate and she wouldn't. I moved her to a separate pasture where I could keep an eye on her. She is acting fine this morning and all night was her normal self. She was angry that she is seperated from the herd, so I put a yearling filly out with her for company. Is this normal? Just discomfort from the baby switching position?
I know I have more questions, but I will start with these.

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