She is making really good progress! Crease is almost gone, still not her foaling udder but close! I am keeping a close eye on her via barn cam and go out to check her udder every few hrs, no sneaking one past the goalie!
well this am Kates udder is much bigger but not fuller if that makes sense. In pictures it doesnt look different but it takes up more space under there. It is sticking out between her back legs! I am getting excited!
ok can anyone else see what seems to be either a torch light shining or a laser light occasionally showing up on Kates camstream... strating to think I have been up way too long ..It seems to shine straight down the back wall or across Kate ..
Day 319 ~ Kates udder is looking good, but still not like her foaling udder.... Strangely though, sh had wax this am on one side. I tested and here is another strange part, the milk took about 30 seconds to change to 7.8, usually its immediate. Her vulva is bright red inside not quite relaxed enough. I hope to see BIG changes through out the day.
Good news is its pouring rain and freezing out. Thats perfect weather for a mare to foal....UGH!
Thanks yall. Her PH is still at 7.8 Her vulva is relaxing, almost there, very red inside still. Her udder is almost there and has had some waxing but its just fluid drying not actual colostrum.