Well-Known Member
There are other threads where people can post their feelings about how Katrina was handled or lack of; whose to blame, humans vs animals etc... bottom line is we can't change what has happened we can only move forward from here & learn. The main theme that keeps coming back to me is WHAT WOULD YOU DO??
I know I won't cover all the reasons but there seems to be two main responses. 50% of the people would leave ahead of time & 50% of the people state they could not or would not leave their animals. Obviously the 50% that left ahead of time are going to be fine so lets see what we can do about the 50% left behind. Main reason people would not leave their animals is two fold either no $ to do so or no place to go. That got me to thinking. If told in a few days notice that Mother Nature might visit I have tons of places in several different states my family & I could easily go. Relatives, friends etc... but of all the people I know in any state other than texas (assuming I had to leave the state) I have no one that could take my 15 minis. This would be like telling me I couldn't take my children. SO THIS IS MY PLEDGE & HOPE ALL WILL JOIN IN!!!!
Next time Mother Nature comes calling with her Katrina look alike in any state your minis are welcome at my house. Lets find a way for the minis & their families to get out safely BEFORE something happens.
1. Call me & tell me you have xxx amount of horses & need somewhere for them to be safe till whatever passes & you have $ & will bring them down. Great head on out.
2. Call me & tell me you have xxx amount of horses & no $ to get them down & I will dig into my pocket & give you the $ to get here & horses safe.
3. Call me & tell me you have xxx amount of horses & no $ to get them down & I will dig into my poket & I find I have no $ to get you here
then I get on the forum & we all pitch in just like we have these last few days & find you a safe place for you & the minis.
Get the idea?? Buddy system in some other state so we know that someone will understand & help when we call up stating I have 50 horses & no way out etc...
What do you guys think??? Put my name on the list. Any one else???
Hope this doesn't sound stupid but really if I was told tonight I had three days to go (as a example) I could easily go somewhere for the four that is in my family but who could I call & say oh by the way can you house my 15 minis, two dogs & one cat???
This is one area we can learn from Katrina. Better prepared for the next time.
I know I won't cover all the reasons but there seems to be two main responses. 50% of the people would leave ahead of time & 50% of the people state they could not or would not leave their animals. Obviously the 50% that left ahead of time are going to be fine so lets see what we can do about the 50% left behind. Main reason people would not leave their animals is two fold either no $ to do so or no place to go. That got me to thinking. If told in a few days notice that Mother Nature might visit I have tons of places in several different states my family & I could easily go. Relatives, friends etc... but of all the people I know in any state other than texas (assuming I had to leave the state) I have no one that could take my 15 minis. This would be like telling me I couldn't take my children. SO THIS IS MY PLEDGE & HOPE ALL WILL JOIN IN!!!!
Next time Mother Nature comes calling with her Katrina look alike in any state your minis are welcome at my house. Lets find a way for the minis & their families to get out safely BEFORE something happens.
1. Call me & tell me you have xxx amount of horses & need somewhere for them to be safe till whatever passes & you have $ & will bring them down. Great head on out.
2. Call me & tell me you have xxx amount of horses & no $ to get them down & I will dig into my pocket & give you the $ to get here & horses safe.
3. Call me & tell me you have xxx amount of horses & no $ to get them down & I will dig into my poket & I find I have no $ to get you here

Get the idea?? Buddy system in some other state so we know that someone will understand & help when we call up stating I have 50 horses & no way out etc...
What do you guys think??? Put my name on the list. Any one else???
Hope this doesn't sound stupid but really if I was told tonight I had three days to go (as a example) I could easily go somewhere for the four that is in my family but who could I call & say oh by the way can you house my 15 minis, two dogs & one cat???
This is one area we can learn from Katrina. Better prepared for the next time.