kaykay, please?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
Kay, I did read your post this morning--the one that was removed. I had chosen not to comment on the second part of it--the part of it that was the reason you asked for it to be deleted--and hadn't yet had the chance to post a response to the first part of it--the part about Rusty.

I am pretty sure that most here did not see the post at all, and I am 100% certain that all would like to hear the news you had written about Rusty. Please consider reposting that part of it?

I'll take this chance to tell you that I will keep Rusty--and you--in my prayers. This all has to be very stressful for both of you--very worrying for sure, and then with the other coming right on the heels of that, well, I can only imagine how upset you are just now.

Please do remember that when one door closes, another one opens--everything may appear to be ruined just now, but I'm confident that with a little bit of time things will work out for Kenny. They may not be as he has been planning and expecting, but he's a good person & you must believe that things WILL come right for him.

{{{hugs}}} to you Kay!

I completely missed her post. I had a wonderful migraine :no: I noticed someone else had a post and then they removed it. Geeze, get a migraine and miss everything.. Was it removed because of no responses? I know I feel like not posting because I don't get many. Just wanted to say, sorry kaykay didn't see your orginal post..
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i didn't see it either as i have had minimal computer time this week,
: barely able to make e-mails... i miss my forum buddies! will watch for you to repost...
Holly thank you so much for caring about hubby. It has been such a stressful week I cannot even tell you. wednesday we were running all day back and forth between the school and hubbys dr appts

We met with the neurologist and he showed us rustys brain scan. the cyst is HUGE which no one ever told us so we were not prepared. It is sitting directly on his left eye and temperol lobe. They think it is actually attached to his optic nerve. This dr feels sure this is why hes going blind in his left eye. He does not think Rusty ever had macular degeneration. Which made rusty sick as the treatments he took (2 years ago) were very painful and no one understood at the time why they didnt work. He strongly suggested we get a new eye dr. and gave us the name of one.

He thinks Rusty could start having seizures because of the size and location. Actually he thinks rusty has probably had small ones and didnt know it. They are doing a brain wave test today to see if hes having seizures. Then he gets an mri today to see if and how fast its growing.

This dr DOES NOT want to operate until absolutely necessary because this cyst is in such a bad spot to remove. He really wouldnt go over treatment options with us until they get the rest of the tests in.

I have to thank everyone that called, pmd me and emailed me yesterday. I will be honest and say I was a blubbering idiot on the phone to someone very special and she just listened and calmed me down and even made me laugh. You know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Russ and i have been married 22 yrs in june and been together 24 years. He is my soulmate my everything. So to see him upset and not feeling good tears me apart. And then at the same time to watch my son go thru what hes going thru well it was just too much at once.
Kay I am very sorry for all you are going thru and cant imagine how very scary it is.

If you need anything please let me know
Kaykay thinking of you at this time of need....
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Your whole family will be in my prayers, Kay. This is just way too much to go through all at once.



I read your thread before you edited it. I kind of know what you are going through with both Rusty and Kenny, although neither of my sons had such a great future to look forward to. I pray for you that things will work out for you, but no matter what, stick by Kenny through everything. (And I know you will. You are that kind of a person. I can tell by your talking about him.) Too many parents wash their hands of their children when things happen. Been there, done that and we are so close to our boys today it was worth the heartache and expense. Randy is 44 and Rodney is 42. Two of the best men you ever want to meet. It will work out. Have faith.

As for Rusty, all we can do right now is pray for the best. And I will be doing that. These guys do kind of grow on us after a few years, don't they?
I was devastated when I had to put Duane (married 45 years) in the nursing home in January because of his dementia. He has had many strokes and his caroitid artery on the left is 100 % blocked and the right one is almost 75% blocked so he has very little blood going to his brain. Can't do surgery until it is a full 75 %. It is so hard when you have a loved one who is suffering. Rusty is so lucky to have you to help him through this. And your whole forum family will be here for you. Just pour your heart and soul out. We will listen and care.
: ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))

So am knowing to a certain extent what you are going through, only yours is all happening at once.
{{{HUGS}}}} I can't begin to imagine what you are going through. My husband and I are soul mates, and I hope I never have to face such things. I will be praying for you, your husband and your family. I didn't see your post before it got deleted yesterday. I am only around during the childrens nap time usually. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Kay, you know I and everyone on this forum will be with you every step of the way through ANYTHING you must go through.

I missed your original post but just know i am here if you need to talk, call me anytime, email me anytime and im here. Keep us up to date on what is going on, i want to make sure my aunty Kay is okay

kenny, Kay, Kyle and Rusty ...god bless and best of thoughts throughout this.
thank you guys so much. your support and prayers mean so much to me and my family. Most of you know i am huge believer in the power of prayer. This constant waiting just makes me crazy. Waiting for test results, waiting to hear about kenny. It just wears you out.

To leanna (my horsedaughter
and the other senior kids on here. Please do not take part in a senior prank. Just not worth it. You can lose everything you worked for your entire life in an instant.

And thank you to the people who sent me stories of what their kids did for senior pranks. It is comforting to know others have been thru it and knew exactly what I meant in my post. I will always stand by Kenny no matter what. he is an excellent young man and will be an asset to the United States Army if he still gets in.

thank you thank you thank you. you guys are the best. I really am greatful to my forum family
Oh Kay, I am so sorry to hear about Rusty. I am so glad that at least now they KNOW what the problem is, and can do all they can to help him.

: Sending prayers for all of you.
: ((((HUGS))))
kay your whole family will be in our prayers! hang in there. i missed the initial post but kinda guess from what is said here, and hey, everyone does stupid things sometimes. later you say, "WHAT was i thinking???" i still cringe when i think of the time we tried to sneak someone into the drive-in in the trunk and got caught. i can't believe i was a party to that!! :eek: WHAT was i thinking??? :eek:

Sorry you are going through this as well as Rusty. You want to make him better but just don't know how. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all go away, but alas all I can do is send many, many prayers and cyber hugs to you. This forum is a big family with a lot of bickering, a lot of kudos, and when one of our kin is hurting as you are, we all come together to try and help if not just listen. When you are going through bad spells, please don't stop from coming here because of a choice few, the majority of us "kin" will always be here for you with open arms and a good ear. If you have no one else to turn to for support, come here, there's always someone here to help you through this. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Hugs and prayers coming to from North Carolina
Kay, just want you to know you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping everything works out for the best. (((hugs))) Corinne
Kay honey, you know how I feel! Prayers and hugs being sent. Please DO send me what I requested so I can do my work. The sooner, the better. Hope you got my last email this time.

Hang in there. {{{Kay}}}
I'm so sorry, Kay, that you're going through this. Things sure seem to pile up sometimes, don't they?

I will hope for the best for your husband and for your Kenny, who is the same age as my Kenny, and I know sometimes how hard it is to deal with some of the things they get into (I have no idea about what happened w/him, but I hope he will be alright).

We all love you so much, and want the best for you.

My thoughts are with you and your family,

Liz M.
Kay, Rusty and family.....my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Take care and hang in there.

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