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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
First of all, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! May this year be filled with joy and love for you all.

For those that read physical books, do you have a favorite bookmarker? People keep buying me bookmarkers because they know I'm a bookworm but I only use a Harry Potter bookmark to keep my place. I don't know why. Some of the others are beautiful expensive markers, whereas, my favorite one came free inside of a boxed-movie set. My husband doesn't use a bookmarker at all, he'll use whatever piece of paper he can find.
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I don't use a bookmark. Hardcovers I tuck the book jacket in my place and softcovers I leave them opened on their faces. Probably a terrible booklovers sin. ;-)
I use flight strips from work...we do have to save the ones that we actually use and write on while talking to an airplane, but many are duplicates or ones that have been changed and get reprinted and those get thrown out. They make excellent bookmarks. They are thicker than regular paper, like a thin card stock and about 2inches x 8inches, ours are a yellowish green. Here is what they look like:

softcovers I leave them opened on their faces
Everytime I do this even for a minute, I move wrong or grab my book from an odd angle and it always closes on me. Drives me nuts! Lol

Sonya, those are very creative bookmarkers.
For Christmas 2010 my much loved, precious grand daughter made me a book marker with her picture on it. This is the one I use always. It is like a treasure a jewel, and I will use it always. That is until she makes me a new one!
Theresa (or do you prefer Terry?), that is a wonderful gift from your grand-daughter! I would never have thought about doing something like that.
I'm sort of a bookmarker nut, ha. I love bookmarkers! My favorite is one that I bought many years ago from Borders Books... it is laminted and has pressed flowers on it.
I love collecting bookmarks, but I never actually use them. I admit I'm a bit anal about my books and book accessories...I even take the covers off while I'm reading so they remain pristine for when the book goes back on the shelf. I hate bent or smudged covers.

I make my own bookmarks out of lightweight card stock, cutting a U-shaped "tongue" from the center that remains attached on the end (like the plastic paper clips). By placing them on the outside of the page, they allow me to mark not only the page, but also the very line where I left off.
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I make my own bookmarks out of lightweight card stock, cutting a U-shaped "tongue" from the center that remains attached on the end (like the plastic paper clips).
That is a really good idea!
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I use whatever is handy--mail, netflix, napkins, my plate. I do have bookmarks and try to keep them close, but sometimes I have to improvise.

I like to use post it notes to mark a page that has a word or phrase I need to look up. I hate to interupt the flow of reading by getting the dictionary.

I love those fine books that lay open by themselves! Have to admit I'm not as careful with pb books.

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