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Of course "responsible" breeders are not the problem nor did I lump all breeders in with puppy mills. However, putting a couple of registered, or not, dogs together for an example, getting a litter then selling them intact to others who will repeat the cycle is a huge part of the problem in all species. No matter how well some breeders keep track they truly have no control over what happens to that animal once it leaves them. We have breeders in this area who have wait lists for Yorkie pups regardless of quality, health or temperment, but there are no wait lists for Pits and they can hardly be given away. Doesn't mean much to me except that it's mostly a supply and demand issue but I can commend a breeder who has every pup in a good home before the dog's are even bred. At least they are trying in their own way to not add to the problem.Responsible breeders keep track of the homes that their puppies go to and many offer to take them back if a situation arises where the dog is available for a new home. Please don't lump all breeders in with puppy mills. Many breeders also limit the numbers of litters that they produce even though many have waiting lists for puppies.I see the adorable pups and kittens on posts and I can only be heartsick for their futures and the futures of their offspring. I will not patronize businesses that contribute to this misery either and refuse to spend my hard earned dollars at pet shops that sell animals to just anyone off the street.
and even that doesnt solve the problem as a buyer for the foal doesnt mean the foal will have a home for the next 20+ yearsEvery single person who breeds horses is contributing to the problem of overproduction, which results in horses going for slaughter. So be part of the solution rather than part of the problem - don't breed unless you already have a guaranteed buyer lined up for the foal.
well do you know of 40,000 homes? for possibly some very damaged animals..or very old or even violent.....as for putting them down would be nice but what are you going to do for body disposal? Who is going to pay? Businesses must show an attempted profit or get the IRS up the rear.....so putting down ALL the culls on a big farm might mean 50% so if they are producing 200 a year that is one farm with 100 "pet/auction" quality horses to move....plus this is what we do with dogs and cats and...well seems annually we are adding to the millions not decreasing...so I still do not see that as a truly viable alternative......Why does everyone think that slaughter is the alternative to homes for all of these unwanted animals??? Which would you prefer...getting an injection and going to sleep? Or being slammed into a feedlot to wait until all the drugs/wormers clear their system, with all kinds of other horses biting, kicking...so scared, confused. I have been to a feedlot, I have rescued horses. I have managed a no-kill animal shelter. I have two PMU babies here. I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT HERE. It is NOT the only alternative, a humane death is euthanasia.
I will not argue the point about other species. I don't agree with the transport and handling of those, either. But let's start with the ones who give each and every one of us daily pleasure and love, our horses.
Runamuk we are both on the same page about one thing, to reduce the amount of indiscrimate breeding. As for euthanasia and disposal, I'm sorry I just don't buy it that people can't pay. If you can afford to have a horse you can sure in the heck afford to pay the few hundred $ for euthanasia and disposal. Right now people have an "easy out," ship that horse to the auction and pray that the person who paid that $200 or less is going to be a "good home." Just turn your eyes and walk away. Eliminating that option for people would go a long ways toward responsible and caring ownership in my opinion. The others will just get out of horses/the business.
Ya know what? My vet bills for 2005 were in excess of $15,000 yes you read that right. I would NEVER ship my horses to an auction hoping for the best. They are EXPENSIVE animals to own, the minis are much cheaper of course, but still they are a LUXURY. People who are well off enough to own such a luxury are well enough off to do the right thing by their animals.
I will not let anyone off the hook, sorry. I would not let a few dollars get in the way of doing the right thing for my animal, my friend, the one who has given so much to me. And I would hold others to the same standard.
Yes that is so true there has to be a limit and in no way will that limit be as high as that...have to be realistic here and just how much goes to what, and then there is a cut off point for sure..As for your 15,000 in vet bills....I would not do that ever......that is my annual income and well my kids come first so the horses do have a limit to what I am willing to spend to save them......plus if horses are insured insurance companies then say when enough is enough.......
OK here is where it gets tough...if I am raising horses as a form of livestock the normal course of events leads to that livestock being disposed of at auction.....standard business practice..in the livestock industry.Also, as far as disposing of your euthanized horses and all of the "problems" related to it, does that mean that all horses should run thru slaughter or what??? For crying out loud! If you have horses, this is an expense that should be planned for and built into your budget!