We have 21 acres up in Bell, FL, (in the Flying Harness Estates at Gilchrest Training Center - A Standardbred Harness Racing Community) just past Newberry. We love going through Newberry to get there, as we always pass right through where the old Komoko farm was/is. The gated entrance to the farm still has the "Komoko" stone wall entrance, a beautiful ranch. I'm not sure who owns it now, but there are still herds of Zebu there too. Everytime we are up that way, hubby and I always say we're gonna stop in sometime for a visit. We haven't yet, and we've owned our property there for the past 19 years.

I think the reason we haven't is because we know we'll try to bring a zebu home with us, and...well...we better just stick to our little horses, LOL. :lol:
My very first mini mare (the mother of both my gray mares that I have still to this day) was a beautiful little Bay Pinto mare, "Komokos Frosted Mini Feet". We called her "Frosty". Sadly, we sold her about 10 years ago when we sold most our horses back then, to move to Maine. We kept our two daughers by her (Seminoles Frosted Desert Rose and Seminoles English Rose) though, and our last "biggie" mare, our Summergirl. All three came to Maine and back with us. We sold Summer a couple years ago, but thankfully, we still have our two "Frosty" baby girls.
We sold Frosty to a Standardbred racing family who wintered here in Florida every year (Spring Garden Ranch Training Center in DeLeon Springs, FL.), but their farm was in Michigan, I believe. They bought Frosty for their grandaughter, but they never did transfer Frosty's papers into their name, so she is still "listed" as ours, last I checked.
Often, I wish we hadn't ever let her go. She was an awesome mare. My son's very first "show horse", that he won lots of blues with his very first year showing. Even when she was pregnant with our very first mini foal of our own (Seminoles Frosted Desert Rose, a/k/a Desi), he won blues in halter performance with her. The following year, he took her daughter, Desi, to Grand reserve yearling mare...while Frosty was carrying Desi's sister, ("Seminoles English Rose", a/k/a Whinnie-Pooh). Then shortly after that is when we moved to Maine.
Gosh....the memories.
I often wonder if they might still have Frosty or where she might be now, and is she doing well... gosh, I believe she'd be well nearing her 20's by now. A grand 'ol gal, I'm sure.
: I would love to find her, but with no transfer of her papers, I have no way of looking for her now. So, I just hope she is loved wherever she is.
Every time we go camping up at our property in Bell, we ALWAYS make sure we pass by the old Komoko Farm there in Newberry, and without fail everytime...it brings our fondest memories of Frosty back to our heart's surface.