She's developing quite nicely. I agree with the others that she is so beautiful. Daddy is too! Are you hoping for a black? Filly? Colt? I know you want it healthy, but it's okay to have a "dream sheet" too!
Hmmm I would like a colt to breed with my other mare and I would love blue eyes... I truly would love anything but black as I have 2 including Kota already a redish color would be perfect lol yep I think that covers my "dream sheet" as long as all is well I am happy and thankful but those would be the whipped topping and cherries on top. She was rolling a few times today about 3 times so you were spot on about that!!! She is cranky for sure udder is maintaining but I do think she might have some more to grow. I think I saw another wrinkle at the top so I'm gonna be watching her for sure. Hooha is still the same other than that she is looking good!
Do you have some straw to put down in her pen for when she is foaling? Also now if she needs to roll the foal into position it would be softer for her.
So sorry I've been swamped with work and recently bought a new horse so have been quite busy
she has been rolling more often caught her rolling in her straw yesterday. today is my day off so I will spend most my time out there today
udder is still maintaining, stomach appears to have dropped more (yesterday anyways lol)and not a lot of change everywhere else lol will post pics after I go out today
I forgot belly shots!! I am so sorry!! Here is everything else and she was mean to me today kicked me and bit me :/ grouch lol other than super grouchy she was normal didn't notice rolling today
Oops forgot to add this one! Here are a few of my new addition Maggie Mae to help pass the time she is 6yro paint/QH around 14ish hands I need to measure for exact hand hehe she is a sorrel but has some white in her thighs and on top of her rump near her tail I think she is roaning out as it comes across her belly too very lightly
yesterday was 328 i noticed she had rolled all her hay flat and took some photos :
today i go out after work and I have a 18" tall little bouncing bundle! its a healthy boy with "paw prints" in his front socks and is solid black besides his little booties. all was healthy and well nursing like a pro and dashing ahead of mom kicking up his heels!
Can someone please go back to page five and "quote" me so the pictures appear more at the end? She was day 312 and some of the pictures are just so similar to what I took the night before she foaled. Just thought it be fun to bring then up compare and just a way to show how things can progress very rapidly.
Thank you! I am so thankful all went well( no dystocis, bag broke accordingly, not a big foal etc) I was not able to e there and it's just augh so thankful right now lol he is a little brat though mama has had this bad kicking habit and I can totally see her personality in the little guy it's quite amusing sometimes
OmGoodness Kota foaled a handsome boy for you. He sure looks like daddy. Got that dishy BOND head. Long legs ? Give him a day or two and he will really unfold for you. Marked like daddy except AMAN has a bit of white in his mane. That was a great cross with the bloodlines. Congrats to you!
Oh many congratulations!! What a super little colt (just what you ordered except for the colour - which I love!) And she foaled in the day too - clever girl - I know you were at work, but it just goes to remind others who think they are safe to leave their girls during the day that mares can foal at ANY time, and, providing it is within your power, regular checks need to be done day and night!!
Please keep the pictures coming, he is adorable. Again many congrats!!