Liz k
Well-Known Member

Val is just now getting the ridgey ****s so I think she still has alittle cooking to be done....or in my case ALOT of cooking to be done...........
thank you cassie for keeping up with me during my down time

Ask the vet about Domperidone for the mare to help her milk come in. Here's a link to more information about it (guess for horses its called Equidone): Its not cheap, but one tube is 5 doses for a full-size horse, so only a couple tubes would get a mini through the recommended dosing regime.Lol oooookkkkkk
It's a GIRL and they named her Zoie so birth went good no video thou happened to quick, but since Val has nnnnooooo ****ies or milk I've been feeding Zoie Bree's frozen colostrum and in the am she will go to vets for a check up to see about her IGG...hope it's good and mom starts producing milk ill get pics soon haven't had time to stop long enough yet.....