Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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no worries, just shout when you need help.
Thanks again for watching her, Renee! I know there are so many others who are very very close to foaling so Laney isn't high on the totem pole. Her time will come in a bit! If I need help watching for some reason again I will ask.

I made my filly/colt sign. I have to go out and check how it works today. So if anyone happens to tune into Laney and you see a sign it's not the real thing lol

No change in udder.. all is quiet at this point.
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Laney must be enjoying time out in the big pasture as the cam is not up. Sorry but I dont get much time to watch at the moment Megan.

Dont worry too much if Laney occasionally decides not to eat her hay, sometimes the foal can be moving and make a mare feel uncomfortable or even be lying a bit odd so presses on the mare's stomach for a short while. Lots of reasons possible, but you are quite right to keep a good watch on Laney just in case she continued to refuse food.
sorry I haven't been on watching atm Megan, been crazy here at the moment!!

6:44pm and she is eating her hay... cool
you have two cameras going now! I should really figure out how to do that! she seems nice and quiet and happy...

haha I have to say Renee is right! Ricky does have a bigger tummy then our sweet Laney LOL funny boy! I fear I will have the same trouble with Finn as he gets older...

how is Ricky with leading Megan? was he already trained when you got him? will have Laney up on and off today for you!
Thanks ladies
She is boring to watch now but that will change once she gets closer.

Hi Cassie
I had to go out and fill her hay earlier then normal. I feel icky- just think I am tired. Laney was trying to steal some hay from the bucket through the posts in the shelter lol

She makes a mess with her hay. She roots through it and spreads it in the stall then won't touch anything that is not on her rubber mat. Silly girl. She is wasting

Cassie- Ricky did really well leading since he was young. We would go to the farm and work with him every weekend and the breeders worked with him a bit during the week but he took to it very quick. He has lost some manners since he is starting to act more like a colt. I want to work with him more. I was hoping he would be gelded by now because I think that would help how he acts.

He has started to jump or climb on Laney and she isn't having that lol.. I think within the next 2 weeks I will have to keep them separate 24/7 as she is getting moodier with him. He sniffed her while I was brushing her with the curry comb today and she chased him 10 feet and bit his bum. Thankfully her bites don't leave marks. Our Jake got bit bad by a horse at the boarding barn and we had to clean it and treat it a few times. It is healing well though.
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I'm going to get Finn gelded asap as well, I'm sick of him hassling Penny all the time! and he even jumped up on me the other day when I was checking Penny! thats was the end of the that!! he can't be rude to me or anyother person! going to get some quotes shortly...

Laney just gone down sternal resting :D
Ricky is rude now too. We had family visit from CA (My husband's uncle) for the first time and he tried to jump on him and nip his pockets for food! I was so embarrassed! He only has jumped on me before and I am quick to stop him from even starting most of the time but for some reason he was 'showing off'.
The vet came out last month and said Ricky hadn't dropped enough. I felt him this weekend and both his plums are there but are quite small. I don't want to wait till the end of the summer to get him gelded though because I will have to separate him and Laney so he can't get to her when she goes in heat. I may ask on the main forum about gelding young minis.
I think most vets can and will geld them even if they aren't fully down yet... I know when the vet came out to me last time he said now is a good time for Finn to be gelded, he checked him and it took him a little while to find them but said they were both there. I won't put up with bad behaviour! there is playing and then there is being plain rude!

isn't it so embarrasing when they act up when people are over! i get so embarrased when Finn bites peoples shoes or skirts! I tell them to growl at him and he is slowly learning but boy oh boy it embarrases me LOL I fully understand Megan!

Laney eating her dinner at 7:11pm
I was out with Ricky today and they are both definitely there and easy to find. I don't know what the vet was thinking. First she reached under and goes "Oh he hasn't dropped yet.. there is nothing there". I told her yes they have always been there and she kept trying to feel and said she found one... then the other- but they were "TINY". She said she wouldn't be able to geld him until they are larger and dropped. I posted on the main forum and they all said they have had very young colts gelded and that Ricky's plums were decent sized. I think I will look for a different vet.. because you can see them too. So I would think he could be gelded. I understand if the vet was not experienced in gelding young mini colts and she didn't feel comfortable until they were much bigger but I don't want to wait since Laney will be open after she foals.

Here is a picture. Ricky kept getting in my way when I was taking a photo of Laney's udder so I said I'd take one of his too. (lol) I see the bulg of where his nuggets are coming down. Or am I seeing things? They are the size of grapes but they ARE there.

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yep they look there to me, they are probably a similar size to Finn's, I would be looking around to see if there is another vet in the area who is happy to do it for you
hey nice udder Ricky
Yep I see some nuggets there. Mc Donald's chicken nuggets will never taste the same
I am watching Ricky in a distance on cam playing with his exercise ball. He's having a good day lol
LOL I am about to let him out for the day and have a chat with him. I have to let him know I posted the 'udder' pictures like I do for Laney and need to inform him he has the wrong parts.. so he doesn't get to have his own foaling thread.
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Is it bad to let a mare into a pasture around spring as it is growing back in? How about when it has grown in very lush?

I have closed Laney off from a section of her pen and it is growing back green now.. not lush or anything but little tiny blades of grass are coming in and there are some leafy green plants coming in. I was going to let her in there instead of letting her out with Ricky everyday soon.. should it be ok?

I hope I make sense. I'm having one of those days I can't finish a thought without starting a new one.
Megan she will come to no harm as long as she is grazing regularly as the grass comes in - the trouble starts when you restrict them and then turn them out on a lush paddock. By the way 'lush' means thick green sweet grass, thickly growing and around 4" or more in length - not the same as some new shoots coming through, so she will be fine.

I would be more concerned about keeping Laney restricted to her 'pen' of grass and not giving her time out in the big paddock - she needs more space to roam around in for longer in the day. It would be better to keep Ricky shut in his area for a longer period of time if you really dont want them out together - can you put his ball in his area to give him something to play with to keep him occupied. It is Laney who needs to spend as much time as possible in the larger space.

Perhaps you could give us your 'timetable' for their turn out times??

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