Thank you, DianeThey'll come around for sure! After all the fine work you've done with Rickey and Laney -- those kittens have nothing but love surrounding them -- and they won't be able to "hold out" for very long!
They are just beautiful!![]()
such cute photos Megan!!! what a great time! Laney looks gorgeous! and Ricky as handsome as ever!!!Thank you, everyone![]()
I gave Laney a good grooming yesterday and she let me feel a few foal movements. One was a strong one![]()
My husband (Brandon) is very good with the horses. He likes them a lot. I am an animal lover and he has become one as well. Ricky is always following him around "helping" him with projects around the yard. It is so cute.
His grandmother is still in the hospital but not in ICU anymore. She is doing ok, but we got news last night that the doctors are only planning on giving her a few more treatments with chemo and then they are just letting it run it's course. She will be placed in an assisted living home and will have to have the fluid in her lungs drained at least once a week. They say the fluid is from the lungs defending itself from the cancer and is to be expected. She always feels a bit better once it has been drained. We will be leaving to see her in a few days and are glad we are able too. It isn't easy for us to get up and go on trips, thankfully my family and my grandparents are helping out so we can go. Our animals will be well cared for![]()
Thanks for all the kind wordsI REALLY appreciate all of you!![]()
WOW Anaa, never would have thought of that either! I'm going to let some of our clients know about that! what a great idea!!Glad to hear that Hubby's Grandmother has made some improvement Megan. I'm not sure if it is any help to you or to her but wondered if you had heard of the use of asparagus in reducing any cancerous growths? It has been in use since the 1700's with success, a long time before cancer was called cancer!
It can be fresh asparagus or tinned (genuine, not with additives), you can eat it 'as is' or cook and make a puree to keep in the fridge - and I understand that 4 or 5 desert spoonfuls of puree per day is enough to have an effect. A lot of folk automatically include a couple of spoonfuls in their daily diets just as a 'precaution'. I did tell a friend about this for her elderly collie dog who had developed tumours early last year, I heard recently from her that the worst tumour/growth had reduced considerably and the smaller one had disappeared! Her vet was amazed! Why vets and Doctors dont tell us more about possible help from plants etc I dont know, but of course these things may not help everyone and are certainly not to be 'used' instead of medical treatment, but I know that I would always give them a go, just in case!![]()
Anyway I hope you have a great Christmas and a safe journey for your visit afterwards.
Have a great time with your granmother in law!! enjoy every minute and I'm sure your furkids will be fine!!That is really neat Anna. I love natural remedies and will pass that along.
We are making the 9 hour drive to visit my hubby's grandma in a few hours. I had to spend extra time with the horses tonight. Laney sat and let me rub her for a long time. She is a sweet mare. Ricky as usual asked for a few kisses. I love seeing them everyday so I will miss them and the other animals. They are all in good hands while we will be away.
I hope everyone is having a good holiday. My kids are having so much fun and have done so well. Loving every second of it![]()