Ah I wondered why the cam was down. Really hope you get better soon Megan - it's been too long now, but I'm sure it is mostly because you are run down, what with all the worry and watching Laney, plus all the family being ill too and you having to look after them. Hopefully you will soon be able to get some really good sleeping sessions - if the cough allows - which might just help. Do you think a course of anti-b's might help? I think you need to have a word with your Doctor.
Oh and yes, I agree with Renee, they way to to a mares feet when she has a new foal, is to shut the foal in the stable and do Laney outside where she can see her baby and know it is safe. As Laney is not good with her feet, she will get ultra stressed if baby is out and running about everywhere poor girl. Hope the farrier arrives soon for you.
Dont worry about Jake's saddle for the moment, I know you want to be riding him, but you need to get well and truely better first!

Oh and yes, I agree with Renee, they way to to a mares feet when she has a new foal, is to shut the foal in the stable and do Laney outside where she can see her baby and know it is safe. As Laney is not good with her feet, she will get ultra stressed if baby is out and running about everywhere poor girl. Hope the farrier arrives soon for you.
Dont worry about Jake's saddle for the moment, I know you want to be riding him, but you need to get well and truely better first!