Well-Known Member
Well this morning at 6a.m looked in on Lita, my last mare to foal this year, didn't look like she was going to foal so went to the house. My husband went to get the 4 wheeler at 6:30a.m and said Lita was foaling so I went to check on her. I am so glad I did, not only was it a redbag but the foal was breach. I was able to pull him but sadly he was stillborn and had he survived he had a badly twisted hind leg so probably would not have made it. Yes it was a colt, a gorgeous buckskin pintaloosa.
So this season I had 4 fillies and 3 colts, of which 2 colts did not survive. One died at a week old in the vets arms, the other being todays stillborn colt.
Anyway I gave Lita some banamine and left the colt with her for now. My husband will go bury him after he is done milking the cows. I did take a photo of him, as well as the redbag for those wanting to see it. Just PM me and give me your e-mail address.