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I do not believe this was the ideal situation either and I truly hope all the horses arrived in good condition. I was not trying to down play your concern over the situation.

Mary your description paints a little more vivid picture. I too would probably not be happy with this scenario.

I am afraid though as was brought out, if horses arrived in good condition you probably have no other recourse other than not to use or recommend these haulers in the future.

There are many haulers that are very vigilent about the care of the animals on their trailer and those that aren't do not need to be used again.
Lisa, there was not one bit of hay in there! I climbed up into the compartment because I had been worried about how those horses and wanted to see the conditions for myself.

Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis said:
I agree that paints a much different picture. I never have my horses hauled commercially in a trailer that doesnt have full length dividers- I have had many hauled without being in the double or mare and foal stall.I have seen trailers like this before even those who use green panels to make a corral for them.

One question i would wonder though.. one horse even 2 minis/ponies in a tack room I can see but with 4+ where on earth did they store all the hay they were feeding along with extra buckets and such?


I have emailed the shipper and told them how unhappy I was about this. I really wanted him to understand that minis are still horses and they should be treated as such. I was promised a phone call. Nothing yet! He was supposed to call me this morning...
I suppose that is not a huge suprise. Anyway, I am glad that Mary brought all this to my attention as the picture painted by the shipper was far from the truth. Now I know not to use them again, as Annette said. Thanks to everyone that gave their advice! I really appreciate it!

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