Well-Known Member
Spent most of the past 3 days nursing, making comfortable a horse with founder. He is improving.
This morning I go out to feed and I have a mare cast against a barn wall.
Her baby is almost on top of her. Tore into the barn, pulled baby away who was none too happy. Get a hold of the mares inside legs, front and back and roll her back to me. She laid there for a few minutes, and then I helped her to her feet. SHE WAS A MESS! Got her over to water and she stood and drank forever. My first clue she had been down a long time. In the mean time baby is stopping his feet to eat, she finally allows him and he nurses for what seemed like forever.
Mare was sweating from head to toe, covered in manure as well. Gums extremely red, breathing fast and extremely wobbly on her feet. I check her over more and could not believe my eyes. She had huge swelling in her rear, soft tissue. It was softball size out, and about 6" long.
Didn't come here but for sure did not know what was going on. Need vet asap.
Got a hold of vet and out she came. Hardly no gut sounds at all. We tubed her, gave her banamine and she then munched on hay. The swelling is from baby or another horse who pawed at her, injuring her, trying to get her up. Baby too had a belly ache, probably from no food, then eating for a long time. The swelling has blood in it so we have to be extra cautious of her. The swelling has gone done some but is still pretty full and she is very very uncomfortable. She also has some swelling from straining. I just can not imagine.
She finally pooed at about 3 and it has some mass to it. Vet said very good, great indicator as not being twisted in her gut.
But now she is not eating. She is drinking good, but doesn't want much to do with food at all, even treats. My vet said, look at her. Would you want to eat? Let her gain some strength, keep bananmine in her, watch water intake and poo out take and if both are close to normal, do not worry at this point. Gum color is better and she has no temp.
Because of the swelled areas filled with blood, she has to be stalled. Not my thrill as she cast in an open barn last night and now I am stalling her. Am checking on her every hour.
All good thoughts welcome, she still is pretty rough looking and has a way to go.
Then at 11 a.m. my 2 year old dryer caught fire, at 11:35 there was a wreck in front of my house.
So I have only been to the barn and back, done most of that safely, and will try work tomorrow.
Have you had a horse cast? Other things to watch for and things to help her?
thanks so very very much.
This morning I go out to feed and I have a mare cast against a barn wall.

Mare was sweating from head to toe, covered in manure as well. Gums extremely red, breathing fast and extremely wobbly on her feet. I check her over more and could not believe my eyes. She had huge swelling in her rear, soft tissue. It was softball size out, and about 6" long.
Didn't come here but for sure did not know what was going on. Need vet asap.
Got a hold of vet and out she came. Hardly no gut sounds at all. We tubed her, gave her banamine and she then munched on hay. The swelling is from baby or another horse who pawed at her, injuring her, trying to get her up. Baby too had a belly ache, probably from no food, then eating for a long time. The swelling has blood in it so we have to be extra cautious of her. The swelling has gone done some but is still pretty full and she is very very uncomfortable. She also has some swelling from straining. I just can not imagine.
She finally pooed at about 3 and it has some mass to it. Vet said very good, great indicator as not being twisted in her gut.
But now she is not eating. She is drinking good, but doesn't want much to do with food at all, even treats. My vet said, look at her. Would you want to eat? Let her gain some strength, keep bananmine in her, watch water intake and poo out take and if both are close to normal, do not worry at this point. Gum color is better and she has no temp.
Because of the swelled areas filled with blood, she has to be stalled. Not my thrill as she cast in an open barn last night and now I am stalling her. Am checking on her every hour.
All good thoughts welcome, she still is pretty rough looking and has a way to go.
Then at 11 a.m. my 2 year old dryer caught fire, at 11:35 there was a wreck in front of my house.
So I have only been to the barn and back, done most of that safely, and will try work tomorrow.
Have you had a horse cast? Other things to watch for and things to help her?
thanks so very very much.