We had a sweet filly today,unfortunately it looks to be a lethal white.I do not have much info on lethal whites but plan on looking up all I can tonight.I thought Id first come to the 'experts' (horse owners themselves.)When I bought my overo mare I was told that she was bred to another overo so she could have a lethal white,I honestly never heard of this as I have never bred overo to overo.But the breeder did warn me of this.After waiting for a much wanted foal the mare had her filly today.I was so happy,she is gorgeous,solid white with blue eyes-then it hit me-what the breeder told me-she may have a lethal white,my heart sank
I remember her telling me I would have to have the foal put down asap if its a lethal white.How do I know if the foal is a lethal white or a palamino/creamello?(The mare is a buckskin overo)The foal is solid white,pink pigment and blue eyes.She seems healthy,has passed a little yellow stool.The only odd thing I noticed is that she may have a little of moms milk come out of her nose which I have never noticed in any of my other foals.ANY info would be greatly appreciated.Im willing to have surgery done on the filly if this is an option.ANY hope would be great.Thank you in advance!