Aspiring Cowgirl
It's fun to read about the funny / goofy (we need a horse Doofus award) things that horses do.
Those who've been here awhile have heard me tell this story on Khaki before.
She had colic surgery as a filly back in 2003. Before the surgery, she lived with my trainer (back then), and then after, she came home for the first time to recover. I took A LOT of time off work to watch her and take care of her. When it was finally time for me to go back to work, I went to check her one last time before I left.
Well, the closer I got to Khaki's pen the more scared she was! I mean her eyes were huge, head way in the air, flared nostrils, etc. I actually looked over my shoulder to see what was coming to get us!!! But nothing was there. Then she ran into her little stall and frantically back and forth trying to find a way to escape when it dawned on me. That little goober was scared of ME! Yep. Since she'd never been at home before, she'd never seen me dressed up. She'd only seen me in barn or show clothes but NEVER a dress (oh the horror) and it was a windy day, too. The wind was flipping the skirt of the dress around some and it was apparently a terrifying sight.
THEN, Sunny did a little something that made me laugh recently. He is a GOOD BOY!! He really tries hard to do what you want and he is so well trained. Before handling him, I'd have not believed a horse could do so much on his own as far as setting up, pivoting, etc. Just amazing and very, very willing.
However, Sunny, like most horses, is also very lazy.
When I first started lunging him, he was fine and let me "catch" him easy. Just either stood there or walked to me before I took him over to the round pen. Well, the next day, he knew what I was getting ready to do and he ran from me! That's the first time he'd done that. He ran behind his little barn going clockwise. So, instead of running around behind him the same direction, I went the other way and was tip toeing and going slow.
As I'm creeping up to peak around the corner expecting he might be standing on that side and I could just grab him, there he is at the other corner doing the SAME THING as me!!! He was peaking around expecting that I did double back! I couldn't help but laugh at him -- that little red smart a**.
So, I guess two "funny" stories. One about a not too sharp filly (that day, anyway) and one about a too smart gelding. The filly is pictured now as a mare, the buckskin, and Sunny is the silver bay pictured by his hiding behind barn...
What are some of the funny (goofy, smart, whatever) things your guys have done?
Those who've been here awhile have heard me tell this story on Khaki before.
She had colic surgery as a filly back in 2003. Before the surgery, she lived with my trainer (back then), and then after, she came home for the first time to recover. I took A LOT of time off work to watch her and take care of her. When it was finally time for me to go back to work, I went to check her one last time before I left.
Well, the closer I got to Khaki's pen the more scared she was! I mean her eyes were huge, head way in the air, flared nostrils, etc. I actually looked over my shoulder to see what was coming to get us!!! But nothing was there. Then she ran into her little stall and frantically back and forth trying to find a way to escape when it dawned on me. That little goober was scared of ME! Yep. Since she'd never been at home before, she'd never seen me dressed up. She'd only seen me in barn or show clothes but NEVER a dress (oh the horror) and it was a windy day, too. The wind was flipping the skirt of the dress around some and it was apparently a terrifying sight.
THEN, Sunny did a little something that made me laugh recently. He is a GOOD BOY!! He really tries hard to do what you want and he is so well trained. Before handling him, I'd have not believed a horse could do so much on his own as far as setting up, pivoting, etc. Just amazing and very, very willing.
However, Sunny, like most horses, is also very lazy.
When I first started lunging him, he was fine and let me "catch" him easy. Just either stood there or walked to me before I took him over to the round pen. Well, the next day, he knew what I was getting ready to do and he ran from me! That's the first time he'd done that. He ran behind his little barn going clockwise. So, instead of running around behind him the same direction, I went the other way and was tip toeing and going slow.
As I'm creeping up to peak around the corner expecting he might be standing on that side and I could just grab him, there he is at the other corner doing the SAME THING as me!!! He was peaking around expecting that I did double back! I couldn't help but laugh at him -- that little red smart a**.
So, I guess two "funny" stories. One about a not too sharp filly (that day, anyway) and one about a too smart gelding. The filly is pictured now as a mare, the buckskin, and Sunny is the silver bay pictured by his hiding behind barn...

What are some of the funny (goofy, smart, whatever) things your guys have done?
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