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Steve and I at the wedding on New Year's Eve.
This is my husband Lonnie, my son Dakota and myself (in December of 2003). It's the most recent picture I have of us together - and probably the best picture taken of me....EVER! (sorry if it's huge!)
This is me back in 2002 when I got into miniature horses for the first time. (When I was still skinny enough that I still tucked in my shirt :bgrin )
This is me and my husband, Donnie about 6 months ago.
And this was me back on the first week of November when I went to Branson.
Well, I figured out I do have a picture of myself online, so here ya go. This is me with one of my rabbit does, Licorice, this past spring/summer in my friends' garden. You'll have to excuse the wheelbarrow above my head and the finger in the corner