Amy, I didn't even know you HAD kids besides the 4-legged ones!
Seriously, my sorta-boyfriend left for the Army just after we got back together almost two years ago now. I worried the whole time, freaked out about him changing into someone I wouldn't know or getting blown up or something. I don't even know exactly what I was afraid of. My grandfather was career Air Force but was out long before I came along and no one I knew was in the Armed Services. It was a foreign idea to me.
No, I didn't hear from him by phone more than three times during the 13 weeks of basic training. I kept my cell phone LOCKED on my hip even at jobs that forebade it and got an adrenaline rush every time it rang. My hands got shaky if it was actually him. And then I cried after he hung up because there was never enough time in those five minute or less phone calls to reassure me. He tried to write, but he writes HORRIBLE letters.
AIT (advanced individual training) wasn't much better after basic, but I did hear from him a little more often. And now that he's permanent party and stationed I hear from him every day.
Air Force is not only my personal favorite branch but also one of the least risky in this kind of combat. His particular MOS (job) does sound like a scary one but they will train him well and at least he'll be doing what he's supposed to when he blows something up instead of making one of the other guys do a job he
isn't trained for! He will be saving lives that way. I hope that came out right.
I understand where you're coming from. There are some great and supportive websites out there for family, but I wouldn't worry about him too much. Be proud, and know in advance that you probably won't hear from him during Basic and that it doesn't mean he's in trouble. It's actually a good sign- half the time if they call it's because they're stressing out and want to come home.
They do tend to grow up in the service- Matt was very mature about drinking, etc., but bad about impulsive decisions and money management. The army has forced him to consider his decisions and become a more responsible leader.
Your son will be fine and so will you- you have to with this many people praying for you both! God bless you and keep you. You have my sympathy.