vickie gee
Well-Known Member
Last March Lil Newt was foaled and at the time he looked black. Within a short time it was obvious that he was a roan. I am just not sure if he is a bay roan or a blue roan. Last summer when clipped he was "silver as could be." That silver is still beneath the winter woolies but the winter coat is very red. His face and legs are dark but look a very dark brown rather than black like Memphis, his sire. Memphis is a blue roan but has not been tested for agouti and red factor. So Memphis could be EErr or Eerr, right? Now the dam Choctaw is gray overo. I just am not sure whether to call Newt bay roan or blue roan. He has turned out to be so sweet. I love on him so much I get mean looks from the mares.



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