Thanks guys....I love seeing the udder looking good in the morning....then in the afternoon that stupid thing always goes down. I hate seeing that, its so disappointing LOL....oh well maybe one day soon it will stay full. I keep praying for the filly fairy to show up before next weekend.....still praying
You guys are so very nice and so very helpful....even if its just keeping us newbies spirits up. Thank you so much. Its nice to be able to give up dates and hear even the simplest does help make each day go by. I have checked her milk in a few days so I may do that shortly just to see if theres any change...not that I am expecting it to LOL
thanks Renee. I think We just got our hopes up reading they can go as early as 300 days but normal being 320-330. So I started watching her around 300 days just to be safe.....that was 49 days ago
I keep looking at it as another day past, eventually she has to foal. LOL
okay so I left lily out most of the day. She stayed in the backyard eating grass for several hours....then when I had to leave I put her in her paddock and she rolled in the dirt a few times. Wonder if that will help things along. I just put her back in her stall to settle in and eat her dinner.
I have a quick question.....first I have to say her bag did go down today but was good sized like normal this morning. now the question is this: Has any of you guys had a mare take 3 hours to eat her 1/2 scoop of dinner??? Any thoughts? I fed lily her 1/2 scoop mare and foal pellets just before 3 pm tonight and I went out right at 6 to find just shy of 1/2 of her pellets still in her bowl. She also is not eating her hay right now she is just standing in her stall.
I know I am so praying for her to be miserable.....she is looking pretty miserable tonight. She still has not completely finished her food....she has a few handfuls left. Im going to try and trick her tonight.....noone has been allowed outside since 6pm. Going to try and make her think we are not home....wonder if that might work LOL. I put the girls in the farthest bedroom (where lily cant see tv or lights or here noises.....we are going to act like secret spies tonight
Well you know when you have 2 girls (11 and 8) waiting as patiently as possible for this baby to arrive, you have to use your imagination to keep them occupied LOL
ok heres pictures...udder went down a bit from earlier this morning. its way full in the morning but keeps going down some during the evening time its back full again.
The first picture is another funny one.....this is her temp stall so dont freak out but that poor gate had been scratched on so much LOL