My beautiful mare, Pride, gave me a perfect, colorful treasure (again!) last Friday morning! I was on my way to Washington, D. C. for a field trip with 29 middle school students and 10 chaperones. I really didn't think she would foal while I was gone--famous last words--somehow, Pride must have overheard my plans to go out of town--BUT I covered my bases, just in case! I fed in the early morning before I left and she was FINE! My daughter checked her at 7:30 AM and she was FINE! My dear friend, Kim Landis, of Crayonbox Miniature Horses, was scheduled to make the next check a little after 10 AM. Kim's sixth sense told her to "gun it" and she arrived to find a brand-new filly in the corral with Pride standing guard over her. Kim took care of all the things that need to be attended to after a birth and nurtured and loved my mare and baby the rest of the day. Kim called me on my cell phone to tell me what had happened and I delivered the news to my bus load of students and chaperones over the bus's loudspeaker. Everyone cheered!
When I (finally!) got home, mama and baby were snuggied in together and very happy.
Since I received the news of the birth while I was on our Washington, D. C. field trip, I felt it would be appropriate for my new filly's name to reflect the activities of the day. I recalled the big explanation that the tour guide gave us about the beautiful bronze statue, "Lady Freedom," who sits atop our nation's capitol. This is what is said of Lady Freedom: "Her strength and beauty are a source of inspiration to people worldwide. She is a reminder of the importance of women's contributions to American society. She is a powerful symbol of the United States watching over us. Look up to her!" It became apparent that my special little filly would become Lady Freedom's namesake. So, here she is, "Little Heartwood's Lady Freedom." She's a tiny silver bay overo--flecks of blue in her eyes--and looks to be homozygous. Her sire is Houck's Perfect Spirit, my 26.5" herd sire and her dam is Houck's Stout's MsPride. Both parents come from foundation breeding stock. We are truly blessed to have her join our herd. Most likely, she will mature under 30" as this mating has produced tiny babies who stay tiny.
Welcome, little Lady! I am having trouble to upload a photo, so you can view pictures of Lady at
Lib Kettering

Since I received the news of the birth while I was on our Washington, D. C. field trip, I felt it would be appropriate for my new filly's name to reflect the activities of the day. I recalled the big explanation that the tour guide gave us about the beautiful bronze statue, "Lady Freedom," who sits atop our nation's capitol. This is what is said of Lady Freedom: "Her strength and beauty are a source of inspiration to people worldwide. She is a reminder of the importance of women's contributions to American society. She is a powerful symbol of the United States watching over us. Look up to her!" It became apparent that my special little filly would become Lady Freedom's namesake. So, here she is, "Little Heartwood's Lady Freedom." She's a tiny silver bay overo--flecks of blue in her eyes--and looks to be homozygous. Her sire is Houck's Perfect Spirit, my 26.5" herd sire and her dam is Houck's Stout's MsPride. Both parents come from foundation breeding stock. We are truly blessed to have her join our herd. Most likely, she will mature under 30" as this mating has produced tiny babies who stay tiny.
Welcome, little Lady! I am having trouble to upload a photo, so you can view pictures of Lady at
Lib Kettering
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