Little Tucker is missing!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2004
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I have a little male Maltese named Tucker. He's a major barker and we have been reported on several occasions and have been fined by the authorities because of this. I ended up finally getting him a bark control collar. He was outside last night with it on and began his usual barking in the wind routine. Needless to say, he got zapped by the collar several times. One minute he yipped because of the collar correction and the next, he was gone. I am so very worried for him. He's been gone all night and coming on a second night. I feel that he's not too awful far away, but not close enough to come when he's called. I searched for him all night, but am not in good health and am night blind so possibly not very effective. We don't live in a busy highway area and have miles of strippercut further back the gravel road. I don't know if he got scared and just kept running or is in a hidey hole somewhere and afraid to come out. He will bark at strangers but will not get close enough to get caught so I doubt that anyone took him in. I'd be very grateful if anyone that has time will say a prayer for God to watch over little Tucker and keep him safe until we find him. Thanks for reading

PS Please no bashing over the bark collar--I feel badly enough as it is
I'm so sorry your little dog is missing! I would be absolutely NUTS! I pray your little guy gets home safely!

No bashing here. Those collars work great. I have had to use them on occasion.

Hope you find him safe and sound soon. BTY, I have no issues with bark collars.
oh i would just be frantic! hope the little guy comes home soon, safe and sound. prayer said!
I hope your baby comes home safe soon!

I do a lot with animal rescue and I have to tell you, I DO think bark collars have their place! If it means it is the only way you can keep your dog (meaning you've tried other methods) than by all means, do what you have to do.

Of course now you've learned that it's not going to work for your little guy, at least not when he's able to get away.
I do hope little Tucker returns safe and sound. I too have no issues with the collar. But I did meet a woman who has tricked her very yippy mini pins and the collars they wear. She has 2 dogs, that are bad barkers. She only has one bark collar. What she did was tape 2 AA batteries together and to the regular collar, to simulate the weight of the actual bark collar. She then switches the two collars between the dogs, neither dog knows who has the real collar on and who dosent. You might be able to trick little Tucker sometimes, by applying this trick.

Prayers for little Tucker.
I sure hope the little guy shows back up. I dont have an issue with bark collars. I DO however have issues with folks who let their dogs run loose.

Please folks ( especially those with small dogs) keep you dogs on a leash or behind a fence. Not only will it keep the dog from running off. It will keep other animals from running off with them.

Not sure where you are at but in most parts of the country coyotes are a very real risk to small pets
Bark collers are perfectly safe and ok to use! we used to have one on one of my old dogs! and im sure your dog will turn up soon! never give up hope! my friends dog went missing for a while and came back! so just keep hoping and praying i know i will be
Praying little Tucker is safe and comes home soon. I'm so sorry he is missing. :DOH!
I;m sorry he is missing. Prayers being sent that he is found safe and sound soon.
I'd be putting up flyers with pictures, ads in the local newspapers, offering a reward, contacting the local authorities and humane society, vets, rescues...

Good luck.
Lisa --

No bashing here at all, just praying he's back home or will be very soon!!!

So sorry that Tucker is missing. I hope he is waiting at the door for you this morning and that he is safe and well. I know he is missing you as much as you are missing him.
Any luck finding Tucker?? I am sorry for you going thru this. I would be so upset if this happened to me...

Keep us informed...
Oh no! I hope you get Tucker back!

I don't know why, but my first thought was someone took him, someone that was tired of his barking. Can you knock on all your neighbors doors and ask if they've seen him? Watch their faces.

I pray your baby makes it back home! {{{Hug}}}
my daughter's dog went missing a few weeks ago (long story so i won't bore you) but she talked to an animal communicator who told her exactly where to find the dog - she went there and there he was! just an idea if he doesn't come home soon.

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