Look at what we found last night

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Tracy shes just darlin I like the name Trixie for a barn name not sure about a Registered name though. Am sure by now you are already calling her something if I know you and Sarah. Shes just such a cute bundle. No wonder you were so excited dont blame ya. As for color can I look again in a month lol?
I would also vote for black or smoky black. She actually reminds me a lot of my black gelding's coloring when he was born. He is a 2 year old now and definitely black.


Thank God she was OK....they really do like to keep us on our toes, don't they

On my computer screen she looks either bay or buckskin. I guess time will tell!
Well now not Christmas then...she wanted to spook ya! Cute filly Tracy! Congrats! I say black, she looks like Halley's color when she was born and she is jet black now. As for a name....I bet you have one already.
She definitely looks silver bay to me!! Wow! Congrats on your 'empty mare'!!! LOL I do know at certain stages even palping may not work as they are hard to find I guess. Big congrats on your cute new baby girl!!
Just got off the phone with the vet. Her IGG levels aren't high enough so we're going to do a plasma transfusion this morning.
Congrats...she is beautiful!!!!
I vote for black bay as she looks to brown, not silver for a black! Trixie fits the bill!!!!!
Aww Tracy the transfer as you know works miracles. Praying for a great outcome for your lil darlin.
grrr... not impressed with the young vet. They put out my poor baby and poked her with needles all over the place. They didn't have small enough needles to fit in her short neck and the vet couldn't find her veins. They gave her anesthesia at least twice. Couldn't do it in the leg-- after poking and poking-- so she did it in her neck. Shaved both sides of her neck (with my clippers because theirs wouldn't cut the fine fine baby hair) and got her soaked with all the blood and antiseptic stuff they put on her. :-( Which means she got cold. I put on a new blanket (it's blue and says "it's a boy").

I was so stressed! I want Dr. Charlie!!!

They got her up and then left. She found momma for about 15 seconds and then collapsed in a heap. I sat there and stared at her to make sure she was breathing.

In about a half hour she was up and looking for momma on her own. Unfortunately, mom is now quite sore and wouldn't stand for her. So I tied her short and let baby nurse several times.

I stayed with her for another half hour. She seems okay.

Poor baby! :-(
Tracy Im so sorry I wonder if its the same vet I had here this spring. darn cant remember the name I was just doing routine shots and coggins if my farrier hadnt been here I dont know what I would have done. Probably strangled her. We did four horses in the barn that day and 2 up front and of the six she kept getting worse and worse and her hands shook terribly. One of my yearling fillies was stuck 7 times before she could get a coggins. Now shes deathly afraid of the vet at all so its really good your baby was out I think. Charlie or Jeff for me. In fact my next appt. I spwcifically asked for one of them and told them I didnt want that girl here again. If she is that inept at routine work I sure dont want her for an emergency and forget about the tech who came with her and stayed outside the stall the whole time. Never once offered to hold a horse or even hand her the needles my farrier ended up doing that. She did finally get one horse on the first stick but the rest all were stuck more than once. for a coggins. Even the vet I had for the sheep from another service was better. This girl was so nervous her hands shook just filling the syringes which usually a tech does but her tech didnt help her either. It was really awful. Anyway so sorry for you and your baby and hope all is better. Try warm compresses and alternate with cool ones might help Grace. My girls all love a warm towel when they are sore. Also bag balm still does work. Im sure you will get lots of help on this one. Hoping baby is doing fine by tomorrow.

Thanks, Nita. Jodi says it's the same vet. :-(

Baby was frisky this morning.
Im so glad baby is feeling better today. How is Grace doing today? Did you try the warm towel? Hoping all is going well for mom baby and you.

Grace is allowing her to nurse with no problems. She stands there like a good momma so baby is doing her "job" too. :)
Tracy--she's just beautiful. Keeper? Will she be at Horseheads some day so I can kiss that little muzzle?
LOL I don't know! So hard for me to tell with babies. She'll be a very young yearling to show!

She was so full of it this morning. I can't wait for this weekend when I can sit and watch her play. Darn full time job! lol

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