grrr... not impressed with the young vet. They put out my poor baby and poked her with needles all over the place. They didn't have small enough needles to fit in her short neck and the vet couldn't find her veins. They gave her anesthesia at least twice. Couldn't do it in the leg-- after poking and poking-- so she did it in her neck. Shaved both sides of her neck (with my clippers because theirs wouldn't cut the fine fine baby hair) and got her soaked with all the blood and antiseptic stuff they put on her. :-( Which means she got cold. I put on a new blanket (it's blue and says "it's a boy").
I was so stressed! I want Dr. Charlie!!!
They got her up and then left. She found momma for about 15 seconds and then collapsed in a heap. I sat there and stared at her to make sure she was breathing.
In about a half hour she was up and looking for momma on her own. Unfortunately, mom is now quite sore and wouldn't stand for her. So I tied her short and let baby nurse several times.
I stayed with her for another half hour. She seems okay.
Poor baby! :-(