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I haven't seen this anywhere else yet but if it has been sorry.

AMHA did raise the cost of reserving a prefix from $50 to $150 but I think they gave a 30 day notice before it takes effect, anyone that remembers please correct me if that is wrong.
Barbara Naviaux resigned from the Board due to health issues and Ron Scheuring has stepped in to fill her spot.

She also included this in her resignation:

P.S. My book will be going out of print by June of 2007, and the publisher and I do not plan to print a 2nd Edition. So, if you still don't have a copy, you'd better move fast. Still available for somewhere under $50.00 for a short time through Amazon.
such as....

who was elected to the officer positions??
President Mike Want

Vice President Bob Kane

Secretary Tom Roberts

Treasurer Tom O'Connell

Director at Large Sheryl Peterson

There were three vacancies on the LOC Committee that were also filled. I believe that the three elected to the LOC Committee were Austin Van Wyck, Erin Haddad and Terri Hlavatovic. Don't quote me on these three. There was a lot of talking going on around me when the ballot results were announced and this is what I thought the results were. Maybe Jody or someone else that was there and was in a quieter area could hear better than I.

Some other information that I don't think has been covered, we voted to have the 2009 meeting in San Diego, CA. Last year the membership voted to have the 2008 meeting in Charston, SC. I believe the guidelines are for an alternating east, west in the sun belt.

Farm Prefix's price was raised to $150 which I still feel is a bargin. Think what it would cost you through the legal system to register a name, I'm guessing into the thousands. With the raise in price comes some good rules. Don't quote me on this since I didn't write it down but when you apply for the name it will now take 120 days to be approved during which the proposed prefix will be printed in the MHW and then be approved by the board. By publishing the proposed prefix in the MHW it gives others a time to challenge the name if they see a problem with it being registered. Something simular to what the AKC does.

I have to say that after sitting through many hours of committee meetings, the Board meetings (the old board and the newly elected Board) and two days of the General Membersip meeting I believe that the AMHA is in good hands. I was very pleased with much of what the President is saying. He does have an ear turned to listen to the membership and is open to suggestions. This will be is first full term. If I see a short fall it is in the low number of members that participate in these committees. If you feel strongly about the AMHA offer your help and be prepared to step up and attend meetings as a working/contributing member. Remember that what happens in the AMHA doesn't just happen it happens with the hard work and dedication of a few members.
Those that attended the Futurity meeting.....

I heard there are big changes to the current futurity. The Halter one. That we will now be nominating the stallion for a increased fee and then nominating the mares bred to him instead of waiting until the foal is born to decide on Futurity nominating it? Kind of like what the AMHR does? Except, I heard nothing about Sustaining fee's.

I don't want to quote fee's, as I was not there, but if someone who was would please tell the thinking that was behind this change? And when do the changes take place? the 2007 breeding year, or 2008?


The halter futurity has been changed to a yearling futurity. There will be 3 Open classes in each division, 1 Amateur class in each division and 1 AOTE class in each division.

The Stallion fee will be $200.00 instead of $100. Any mare nominated is $50.00 so if you nominate more mares bred to the same stallion it to your advantage. No sustaining and no foal fee. The foals used to be $150 for the first 60 days and then $300 for the next 30 days.

The performance futurity is a separate entity. For a limited amount of time it is $25.00 per foal for driving and $25.00 for Hunter. The fee increases as the foal gets older. I don't think there is any stallion or Mare fee but I could be wrong. The info is on the AMHA website.

Farm Prefix's price was raised to $150 WHAT A JOKE, once again grabbing at straws to make money and pushing the smaller farm out. I think I will stick with AMHR.
I do believe AMHR just raised this same fee to $200.00 effective immediately.

AMHA's fee change for prefixs takes effect April 1st. It is $50.00 today.
Farm Prefix's price was raised to $150 WHAT A JOKE, once again grabbing at straws to make money and pushing the smaller farm out. I think I will stick with AMHR.
But isn't AMHR charging like $200 now and they didn't even give a notice out or anything. Atleast AMHA is giving 30 days notice before changing the fees. I'm an AMHR person all the way, but I did not like the way AMHR handled this prefix and suffix money hike. Yes something needed to be done, BUT warn other people first. JMO
The halter futurity has been changed to a yearling futurity. There will be 3 Open classes in each division, 1 Amateur class in each division and 1 AOTE class in each division.

The Stallion fee will be $200.00 instead of $100. Any mare nominated is $50.00 so if you nominate more mares bred to the same stallion it to your advantage. No sustaining and no foal fee. The foals used to be $150 for the first 60 days and then $300 for the next 30 days.
Thanks Libby....those were the costs that I was told, just wanted to be double sure.

Also, do these new costs start with the end of the year 2007 breeding reporting, or not until 2008?

I can see where this is a big advantage for the big breeders breeding lots of mares every year, so if a couple of mares don't deliver foals, no big deal.... but for the small guy, like me, that only breeds 1 or 2 mares...thats a chunk 'o money upfront hoping that my one mare will carry and deliver a "show quality" foal.....2 stallions, one mare each= $500.00 on a hope and a prayer, vs 2 stallions at $100 each to nominate them and wait until the foal is (hopefully) born and then nominate it. Oh well, we'll see how it goes.

So no more 2 yr. old Futurities? Interesting.

And I know I didn't go to the meeting and vote, so I really can't complain, just trying to make some sense of the change.


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