Well-Known Member
I am so sorry.

I didnt know where to post this but I figured here because I would be posting pics of her as well...
None of my horses were sick at all. There were no signs of being sick. In fact, I had spent most of my day out playing with them. I sat out with my little ones playing and taking pictures. Everyone was eating and happy. They were playing and all was well. Matt and I left for probably 30 minutes to go to the store thats just down the road from my house. We returned and called the group to the gate to bring them in. I even turned to him and said that we would be bringing Prism and Tenacity in first as they were always first to come flying to the gate. Prism came with Elliot and Hiawatha.... Every once in a while someone will get distracted and I think denile started to kick in early. I handed Prism to Matt and walked in to the pasture holding Elliot. I was peering to the back where I saw a dark mass at the edge of the pasture. I stared in shock. I flew accross the pasture finding my little baby dead in the snow. She was on her belly with her nose down in the snow. It was as if she had jusd dropped. I rolled her to her side and shook her. She was gone....
We are just dumbfounded. No one is sick and no one had been acting sick. Even Tenni had been playing with everyone right before I left. I even remember chuckling at her antics before I left. I was gone such a short while... We have been carefully watching everyone. Nothings wrong. It is suspected that she had an annurism or perhaps her heart.
Tenni was my first baby born. She would have been 2 on May 5th. I remember the day she came into this world. As soon as she learned to walk she staggered over to where I was crouching and wobbled right up by my ear and grunted at me. She made the funniest nosies. She never really got the whinny down. She kind of made a froggy noise that we all just loved to hear. She was a talker. She loved attention and would definately be classified as a pocket pet. She had the most lovely forelock and mom just adored the upside down horse head that was formed by a white marking on her side. I thought it looked like a question mark on her back. I have never shown but I always thought she would make a lovely liberty horse (if we could get her tail white). She had a great neck and would often flag her tail. She loved to prance and had 4 lovely socks. If I could ever get my butt into the show ring I was going to try it with her.
I dont really know what to say anymore. Im kind of in a haze as all of you know. The film I dropped of yesterday has my last pictures of her on it. I dont have it yet but when I do I will post. For now I will just post what I have. As I say every time I lose one of my beloved pets. It never gets easier but it was worth every minute I had with them. I pray she was and is happy. Thank you for listening.
birthday (a trait I am particularly fond of in a horse - pink on the nose and lips)
The question mark/upside down horse head - the question mark when viewed from above even had the period under it)
Exploring with mom
Just her head in this one but I thought she looked so striking
Running with Mom (Hiawatha)
A very obvious Sabino
Hanging out with me
Im going to post the last on another post. I think I have too many pictures here