Hi All, Thank You All For Caring and For All The Hugs
What my vet told me about Anterior Enteritis is that it's rare. My vet clinc is the busiest around here and they only see about 3 cases per year. They have only saved about 1% of all the cases they've ever seen.
There is NO known cause! Some vets believe it is a bacteria but no research that's been done has been able to prove that.
There is nothing to do to prevent it, and no way of telling what horse it will affect.
It is a disease that affects the small intestine. When my vet necropsied Rosey, he said she had 6 inches of dead small intestine and then 6 or so inches of normal and then 6 inches of more dead, and so on and so on. Her large intestine and colon were completely unaffected and healthy.
If you do a google search for Anterior Enteritis, some articles pop up.
Thanks again everyone, I need all the hugs and good thoughts I can get.........I'm starting major mare stare tonight with Ellie, the mare with placentitis, so everyone cross your fingers.