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Easy, since I work in a grocery store, the magazine section is my favorite place to shop. I buy anything quilting, horsey and garden gate when I can find it. Since I'm a cashier I love to go the end and straighten the magazines found there so I can read the covers! I have more magazines than books.
We get Progressive Farmer, Eques, horse and rider, MHW, and the Journal. Don't buy any at the store anymore unless it is a crochet pattern book.
When I was younger I subscribed to Horse Illistrated, Horse and Rider, and another horse one I can't remember right now, along with Seventeen magazine and I think it was Y.M.? I still have all of them packed away somewhere. Last year I read Reader's Digest and Prevention, but no magazines right now, unless it's an occassional tattoo magazine.
National Geographic

American Heritage

Glimmer Train (fine contemporary short stories)




My sister subscribes to everything else, so I read or scan:

Mother Earth News

Urban Farm

Organic Gardening

Fine Gardening

Gardening Illustrated


...and too many others to mention

We frequently buy:

Rolling Stone

Portland Monthly

assorted horse and guitar magazine

I don't subscribe to Time or Newsweek or the like anymore...they're pretty worthless these days.
I've been subscribing to Early American Life for many years, but I got a little tired of its assumption that there was no early America except New England. So I did not renew this year.

Used to subscribe to Oklahoma Gardening, but it was mostly eastern OK, and mostly city gardens. Not much I could really use here in the prairie west.

I get the AMHA and AMHR journals, of course.

The only magazine I am continuing subscription is A Simple Life. Very primitive and early farmhouse stuff.

I do buy gardening magazines occasionally at the store, but most are too foufou for my life-in-a-pasture reality.

I am a button collector, so also subscribe to the Victoria, Australia newsletter, the British Button Society newsletter, and the National Button Society bulletin.

My husband gets Popular Mechanics, American Iron, American Rifleman, and Family Handyman so there is always something for an interesting read!

At the beauty shop I check out the Enquirer to see the fashion trends. It's fun to look at the couple of pages of clothes and hair styles. Since we don't have tv and haven't been in a movie theater for 5-6 years, I have no idea who all the modern "stars" are, so their names mean nothing to me, but I like to look at the clothing trends.

A highlight when I was a young teen (in the 60's) was being able to buy a copy of Seventeen! I remember once a centerfold of Paul McCartney and I nearly swooned.

I subscribe to a couple of special newspapers, but the rest of our news comes via internet sites. Long may it remain free!
Marsha, I also collect buttons.

When Keith and I came to Oklahoma -- first Muskogee, then Antlers -- I loved all the rummage sales, second-hand stores, and especially the tables out in front yards with odds and ends. I was in heaven! I had Keith's uncles skidding to stops along the roads.

My absolute favorite store was one with tons of BUTTONS!!!! I bought as many as I could and then wished I had just bought them all and shipped them home.
EQUUS is the only one I subscribe to, I have been getting it for 32 YEARS!! Still mave most of my back issues, too- it's an awesome reference!

Other than that one I get the World and Journal. I also get a quarterly Pennsylvania travel magazine.
We get too many magazines, but do often take time to read parts of:

  • Popular Mechanics
  • Popular Science
  • The Weekly Standard
  • National Geographic
  • Equus
  • Tropical Fish Hobbyist
  • Better Homes & Gardens
Gotta say, if they still did the National Lampoon... I'd still get it
It's been a long time, but I used to love it and have tons of issues in the attic. Didn't know they still did MAD magazine, so here goes another subscription
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I've never heard of a lot of these magazines. I'll have to visit the local magazine rack the next time I'm in a store. My biggest problem with magazines are the pictures. I tend to spend more time looking at them then reading the articles. Lol.

Jill, are you a fan of South Park and Family Guy?
Jill, are you a fan of South Park and Family Guy?
Yes! I love both of those, and also American Dad, Bobs Burgers, and The Cleveland Show. Everytime we watch Family Guy, American Dad and the Cleveland Show, I always sing the theme song for it at the top of my lungs with lots of inflection (ham it up). Drives H crazy, but cracks me up even after years of doing it!
Usually I start right after H mumbles "please don't do it" LOL!!!
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I've never heard of a lot of these magazines. I'll have to visit the local magazine rack the next time I'm in a store. My biggest problem with magazines are the pictures. I tend to spend more time looking at them then reading the articles. Lol.
I think pictures are what makes magazines the glossy things they are. The photography is important. A picture is worth a thousand words...

I was amazed when I started listing our magazines how many subscriptions we have. Forgot to even mention PuzzleBuzz for our grandchildren.

O my, I remember buying Mad Magazine as a teen. I forgot about that!
Marsha, there is a mag. called Country Woman, sounds like you would enjoy it. I used to get it but stopped several years ago.
I get the MHW, Horses All - I read Equus and Western Horse Review and Gaitpost at work usually. I have an e-subscription to Writers Digest. And lately I buy Chickens magazine when I see it on a rack! Probably would subscribe (or get a gift subscription for a friend and read hers!) but they don't have a subscription option.
Marsha, there is a mag. called Country Woman, sounds like you would enjoy it. I used to get it but stopped several years ago.
My sister gets it (she lives in a city apt and dreams of living the sustainable life) so I have perused it. Thanks for thinking of me with the suggestion!

Did not know there was a Chicken magazine, however...
Hubby gets several magazines, odn't know the names, but they are "real" (not hobby) farm/ranch based, a couple of construction type magazines and maybe a couple others.

I get AMHR Journal, Arabian Horse World (at least I think its world), AQHA newsletter and pick up single issues at the store that look good from various quilting magazines, other horse magazines, sometimes Country Woman (might need to subscribe to that one, I usually enjoy it).
Let's see I get.....Good Housekeeping, Real Simple, Southern Living, Country Women, Reader's Digest and Guide Post.

Ok, I am going to admit something to you guys......Durning the summer we have sort of a crazy tradition, we buy the trash magazines to read by the pool! You know the ones you see at the supermarket when you are in line! We get.... In Touch, OK, People (I don't think this is really a trash magazine, better quality I think) sometimes we get really wild and get The Enquirer!!

Question? I just registered Misty with the AMHR and I joined as a member, is there a Miniature Horse magazine that you get if you become a member? Is it monthly?
I've been subscribing to magazines since about 1968 (I'm kind of an old bat, ha), I LOVE to get magazines in the mail, and I'll sit and read everything cover to cover. Right now I just get two, National Geographic and The Trail Rider. I want to get a few more. In the past I used to subscribe to Equus, Arabian Horse World, Birds and Blooms, Dressage Today, and Arabian Horse Times. I also like to read Readers Digest, Horse Illustrated and Practical Horseman.
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I wanted to share an idea that I do with my magazines. I keep the ones I like to reread stored by month. Every month I get the monthly stash out and go through them. So once a year I look at each magazine. Sometimes I can purge, and sometimes there is just one essay or article I save the magazine for. They are getting pretty dogeared and wrinkled (I like to read them in the bath). It's interesting what one will see in a magazine after a few years. Sometimes it is a book mentioned and I can get it used on Amazon now.

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