It's been awhile and thought you guys could use a update and current pictures. We will be finally moving to MO in a couple months.
Zazzy is five months old and is a hoot. He loves people and still loves the dogs. He doesn't like our Nigerian buck and chases him all over the place. Its funny because he leaves the does alone. We were avle to get the clipper blades to work long enough to clip him only. He definitely got sabino from his mom, along with splash.
Gumby Bear is almost five months old. His legs are better. He has a short neck and is monkey jawed. He will be gelded and become a companion for our blind mare. His jaw has not slowed down his food intake. He is a stout little boy. Loves to be hugged on.
Reba is a little princess, who can be a little stinker. She is almost three and a half months old. She is still very red and refined.
Cisco is now buckskin and tall. We were forced to wean him at almost three months. Mom was losing weight and we couldn't get her to stop. Cisco also was jumping four and a half foot fences. Mom sucks at jumping and would have a nervous breakdown. Cisco is doing great and has become friendlier without moms interference. He is four months old. He, as well as his dam, will be for sale.
We have five puppies left. Two are going to Vermont, to a friend. Two are staying with use and moving to MO with us. The last one is for sale but we will keep him if he doesn't sell. They are three and a half months old and all boys. Have to pen them up because they kept getting off the property and wandering around the neighborhood. Can go through the cattle panel squares.
The monsoon weather has caused problems. Some of the minis have coliced. Zazzy did twice, Gumby Bear once, and Reba just a couple days ago. Couple of the adults have coliced also. Gpt them through it. Happens everytime during monsoon. The temp stay in the 100's but there is a high humidity. Horses don't drink enough water. Will be glad when we get moved to green pastures.
One of the pics is Reba in the house on Kari's bed. It was raining and windy when she coliced. She was shivering bad. Brought her in the house to give her medicine and keep a eye on her. She found out how to jump on Kari's bed.