Maine Miniature Club show clinic

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Windham, Maine
Our show clinic with Cindy Moses went very well and was quite well attended with nearly 40 pople at one point. The weather was nice and may have kept a few home. Many thanks to Cindy for doing a super job with the clinic and covering a lot of topics in a short period of time. There were a lot of questions throughout the day and I certainly hope everyone was able to take home some ideas to help with show preparations. Kathy Rogers and Linda Cameron-Davis covered our showmanship topic very well with a demo and hands on work with our participants.

It was a really nice mix of old friends and new faces at the clinic. Looking forward to seeing everyone at out rated shows in June! The club made a donation to the Northeast Miniature Rescue fund inexchange for Cindy helping at our Clinic.

We had a bit of a snafu to start the day as another group showed up to use the ring we had planned on being in and then we discovered the fairgrounds had forgotten to turn on the water to that end of the grounds yet. To anyone planning to come to the June shows the water will be on and the bathrooms will be less than a 1/2 mile hike away! LOL

Many thanks to all the participants and to everyone who helped out!

Despite some difficulties figuring out what ring we were to go to it was a good clinic. Very nice to see friends we hadnt seen in a bit and mingling with club members from our club that we do see more often. Cindy did a great job and yes we did learn which is what clinics are all about. Linda and Kathy great job even if showmanship isnt our thing we learned from you both and the demo on show clothing was really well done as well. Got the point across that showing doesnt have to cost an arm and a leg. Good job ladies!!!!! As for the trek to the bathrooms we all can use the exercise. lol
It was a great day. Thanks Cindy for all the information you shared. Many told me as they left it was great and they to away valuable information.
Thank you all for your nice comments. I had a really fun day which so exhausted me I didn't even see this post til tonight! It was great to meet so many people, many of whom I knew only by email address and forum name.

I wanted to express my personal thanks and also that of the Northeast Miniature Horse Club's executive board for the welcoming hospitality Sunday from the Maine Miniature Horse Club and for your very generous donations to our Rescue Fund.

And the Tiny Hooves Club bake sale that yielded $75 for us - Wow - you must have quite the pasty chefs way up north! Thank you also for pledging to include us in your future fundraising events.

All this combined with the maple sugaring weekend donations, even more bake sale donations Sunday, and the candle sales -- it was a really, really good day for our minis in need. I came away with just about $500 for our Rescue Fund!

I truly enjoyed the day, and I hope everyone was able to take a little something useful away from the clinic. I hope to see lots of you practicing what you learned at the shows this season.

I would also like to take this space to mention that the Northeast Miniature Horse Club Rescue Committee has quite a few horses now available for adoption. Some are registered, and all are healthy and ready for new homes at this point. We need to approve our adoptive homes, and a fee and adoption agreement are required. Please contact me at if you would like more information.

Thanks again to all our friends in Maine!

You are a fantastic clinician! One thing I notice at clinics is when the audience is attentive or busy with small talk (I find the small talk very distracting). All eyes were glued on you, taking it all in. We were like a bunch of sponges soaking it all up.

I admire you and Northeast Miniatures Horse Club's great dedication to the miniature horse rescue. You all are doing a wonderful thing. Keep up the good work!

By the way, I love my new candle. Again, another good thing for a great cause!

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