making a round pen

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Karen in NC

Jan 7, 2007
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Hi, How many of you use a round pen for training? Is it possible or practical for making a round pen using T posts and wide fencing tape, either electrical or not? Thanks, Karen
I use a round pen to condition the show horses.

I'm not sure that wire on T-posts would be the best / safest way but you may be able to make a good one and pretty quickly using T-posts and cattle panels.

My husband made our round pen out of oaks posts and boards. It is about 40' in diameter which is the size I like for lunging minis. For footing, I just use sawdust but may put sand in it this year.

We were looking at doing a traditional paneled round pen but it would cost us $1500 for a 60'. I need a 60' - 80' since I have big horses that are just being broke also, but we're looking at doing a wooden one now. the wood would only cost us about $500 and would be permanent.

I don't think that the T posts and wire fencing would be real good or safe for a round pen, I think you'd be better to go with a wooden or traditional paneled one. JMO!
I agree with not thinking the wire of any kind is safe. I was thinking of going with the t-posts and cattle panels myself, but was worried about a horse acting silly and slipping--a leg would go right through and...well, better not to think about how that could end. I had my pen made with three boards and wood posts. My problem is that my well inteded and wonderful neighbor who was building it, made it only 30' in diameter and that is no where near big enough to use. I had also thought that maybe with the cattle pannels, something could be put along the bottom 2' or so all the way around to keep feet from going through...but by the time I added up the cost of anything that would work I could have just bought the little green pannels and had a portable round pen. I think the green pannels cost $30-35 if I am not mistaken...I am just saving pennies for one of those.

I have also seen a great mini round pen made of recycled wood THAT is a good idea. A lot of work, but a great idea...

Amy --

I wonder if you could make one with T-Posts and hog panels vs. cattle panels? You could have the panels off the ground 1' or whatever space you thought was safe! You can also use heavy duty zip-ties to along with (or instead of) the clips that come with t-posts

For big horses, I do agree cattle panels would not be safe.

I've always wanted a roundpen, but as a renter my choices are limited. This year we had so much snow I built one out of it :aktion033: . Here's the photos Snow Roundpen . I'm going to get out there today and fix up the banks a bit, and let Buddy out in it to have a romp. The banks are almost 3 feet tall at the moment. :saludando:
That snow round pen is very creative! :aktion033: Good job!

I've had a round pen made of cattle panels and wood posts, with sand footing, I loved that round pen. Always had great footing for the horses, had a southern exposure and sloped gently to the south as well so snow melted readily and didn't retain any water puddles.

A really easy-to-construct round pen is one made of panels, I have big-horse panels but of course as someone mentioned, the price is really getting astronomical these days for them. Something like $70 a panel, and for a 60-footer you need something like 16 panels or more-- adds up to a LOT. If you can get miniature horse panels, or goat panels, etc, they aren't as tall (around four feet or so) and cost about half as much. I really like round pens, makes it so much easier to work horses than using a lunge line, and I can work more than one horse at a time. They make good turnout areas in sloppy weather too.
As much as I want a usable round pen...i don't think I want it bad enough to have it made of snow.....brrrrrrrr!

Jill...I think you may be onto something there.....
Where on earth do you guys find regular portable panels for only $70 and mini panels for $35-40? Locally regular panels are at least $100 and the only mini panels I found were $70 or $95 each (the one place, freight was a killer to get the panels). [Locally I can only get Tarter Gate and Powder River small animal panels.]

If I could find the mini panels for $35 each, I'd love to have several of them. [Any one know of a website that sells them?]

I do have a round corral made from portable panels, I put it together when I just had the full-size horses. I bought it before metal prices went sky high. The panels are Hi-Qual 10' Range Panels; I bought 10 panels plus the gate panel; so I have about a 50' round corral, give or take a little. [My husband has bought me one or two extra panels each year as birthday or anniversary gifts, so I have about 8 extra in addition to my round corral. Now that Hi-Qual has gone out of business, I'm not sure what I'm going to do for more panels; it was sure nice having them all the same.]
I made mine of wood. 4X4 posts & 1x6 pine boards, 4 high, all treated wood. It's 44' . Probably cost me under $200....posts concreted in ground.

Went to a fence company and bought "seconds" from them. They won't use lumber that has a knot, damaged edge, the guys cut a 4x4 wrong, slightly warped/cracked, etc. The posts are about 5 1/2' apart to accomodate the 6' or less boards.
: Plus, I wanted it strong and this does that.

Look for used wood, seconds, etc. Most lumber yards have such piles. Saves a lot. I often look at their pile of "scratch & dent" lumber. Hey, have gotten lots of good deals there...even if only a few pieces to use for repair work.
I really do prefer wood, but like the ability to move panels.

For those looking for the little panels: (keep in mind they may have gone up a bit since I priced awhile back)

Whispering Hill Farm Equipment

(336) 789-4226 [email protected]


the posted price of panels on their website is $28 for 8' x 38" Panels and $65 for gates. That is the best price I found!
Whispering Hill Farm Equipment

(336) 789-4226 [email protected][/quote]

We bought the walk-through panels for our barn stalls. Quick and easy and perfect for each stall. Everyone who comes in to see is impressed. Nick had those too. The straight panels that go with these walk-throughs would be perfect for a round pen.

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I really do prefer wood, but like the ability to move panels.

For those looking for the little panels: (keep in mind they may have gone up a bit since I priced awhile back)

Whispering Hill Farm Equipment

(336) 789-4226 [email protected]


the posted price of panels on their website is $28 for 8' x 38" Panels and $65 for gates. That is the best price I found!
Thank you for the link, I'm looking into them.

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