Making my own stall name plaques, but how?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Can't afford to order real stall name plaques at the moment.

So I have to make due with what I have around here but I"m not crafty or talented at all like that.

Got plenty of paint, stain, wood, and no talent--- and from previous screw ups, I'm not very good at stencil letters either. How can I come up with stall name plaques that don't look crappy?
Marty, I was just thinking the same thing this morning, my husband has been after me for 4 years now to make some. I was going to use the small wooden letters that you get at a craft store and glue them(or liquid Nail) them to a piece of wood paint or stain..just a thought.. good luck...Kathy
Kathy's right the precut wooden letters are great and you can make a frame of seasonal decorations to go around the placks. Another way is to go on line find a set of lettering you like and print it out. then you can decopage them onto the placks.

Kathy2m said:
Marty, I was just thinking the same thing this morning, my husband has been after me for 4 years now to make some. I was going to use the small wooden letters that you get at a craft store and glue them(or liquid Nail) them to a piece of wood paint or stain..just a thought.. good luck...Kathy

Cronewolf said:
Kathy's right the precut wooden letters are great and you can make a frame of seasonal decorations to go around the placks. Another way is to go on line find a set of lettering you like and print it out. then you can decopage them onto the placks.
Kathy2m said:
Marty, I was just thinking the same thing this morning, my husband has been after me for 4 years now to make some. I was going to use the small wooden letters that you get at a craft store and glue them(or liquid Nail) them to a piece of wood paint or stain..just a thought.. good luck...Kathy


Thats a great idea too. Maybe if we all ever get them done we should post the pictures (if I can figure it out without my sons help!)Kathy
I wanted to have my horses names on their stalls too. What I did was made them on my computer...just paper, fancy font... but when they get nasty I just make new ones. My stall doors are wood so I just staple them on. Works good for me. Just thought I would share what I do.
Someone here made some gorgeous name plates with broken tiles (like a mosiac) and stenciled the names on the center tile. Do a search for stall signs, I think it was. They were absolutely lovely and you may have all the materials already Marty.

The thread was called HANDMADE STALL SIGNS, Let's see your creative examples...

I think the ones I'm thinking about Yellowrosetx made but the pics may have been removed but there are some other really nice ones too.
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I am not crafty at all Marty you are from what I have seen

But i wentto walmart and bought these little wooden signs and some paint and tadaa.. and ok so they didnt come out great but then again I can have raven help a bit and then say oh my kid made them (so it excuses my mistakes
Hi Marty! I've been doing some work on stall signs and other wood projects. I did some stall signs for Dimimore (Debbie) and am working on some other stuff also.




If anyone is interested, drop me a PM or E-mail [email protected] and I can start designing some for you. I am also doing real cute ornaments also.


Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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my biggest problem was i dont have a solid wall to attach them to
That was Kathye that made those out of tile and yes I have lots of tile but believe me I am such a moron I can't do the lettering.

I also have a wood burning tool but Jerry had to take it away from me because I was about to burn extra nostrils in my nose. I tell you it's very hard being me.

Linda those are gorgeous and also Barb K makes them too but I'm po fok and Jerry says I have to make them so ok......I'll work on it.


Can you guys post pics of yours?
Mary, welcome to my world. My sister is the crafty talented one in the family. I have lots of ideas but no skills. Anyway, what I have done recently is have the redwood signs made with just horses name. They run around $12 a piece. This can add up though. Prior to that, I took some old barn wood (not perfect shapes) and painted it a dull red and then with off white paint outlined in black I printed the horses name. I know you have seen old timey signs like this at craft shows etc, I just made some for horse names. Also a friend of mine did the same thing only used wood of the same size (rectangle) After printing the name she glued a big rope around each sign. That was cute too.

Marty, I'm not even sure I'd want to know how you managed to try to burn yourself a new nostril. That calls up some pretty starnge images in my wierd little mind.

I'm working on my signs today so when I get them done I'll post, they are going to be nice and simple and somewhat plain, but they'll get the point across LOL

And Marty, if you get started on yours, just make sure someone is home in case of accidents
I want to work on some nice stall plates to sell...we have engraving equipment and can do brass or plastic type. I was wondering if people would prefer just the flat plate with the horses name on it...or want it mounted on wood? What do you think?
Connie, how well would some of that stuff hold up on the weather, change of, humity, that kind of stuff. I'd think it would have to be wood, but maybe not.
The plastic stuff would hold up great...its the same material I would use to make a sign for a business or like the ones on restroom doors, etc.

I wonder about the brass though...have to look into that one further.

I was thinking that people might like the plastic or the brass, mounted on give it depth...have it stand out...but maybe not.
Marty, Something that is easy to work with and looks really nice for writing a name on a plaque for stalls is nice soft small size rope. Just write the name on the piece with a marks a lot or such and then run a good water proof glue over that [such as Elmers] then take your rope and place it over the lettering. Viola a nice name! Good luck Mary
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This may be a bit far from what you planned but reasonable & quite novel.

I got some slate hangings- I am sure they would have them at a craft place- I got mine at a wood/craft shop on Lake Winnepesaukee. I got heart shaped slates with a rawhide hanger at the top I used a photo of each horse and used a decupage(sp?) sealant to preserve. Then I used stencil to affix the name They hold up well are not hard to make & look reaaly neat against the wood of a barn

Or... I have used precut wooden letters, stained them in contrast to stall colr of wood arranged them in an easily seen place. I placed ,mine in an arch-like shape

on stall door

Then on each stall I place an info paper in a protective sheet On this I put name, sire & dam, DOB and feed info In case of emergency & someone else needs to feed or care for the animals.
Something I did was make neat signs on my computer using horse pictures and fancy lettering and color and such and then took them and had them laminated. Then i just used short screws (3/4" I think) and screwed them into the wall, but you could also use light wire (baling wire?) to punch thru and tie to a pipe or whatever.
Triggy&Blue&Daisy Too said:
Someone here made some gorgeous name plates with broken tiles (like a mosiac) and stenciled the names on the center tile.  Do a search for stall signs, I think it was.  They were absolutely lovely and you may have all the materials already Marty.
The thread was called HANDMADE STALL SIGNS, Let's see your creative examples...

I think the ones I'm thinking about Yellowrosetx made but the pics may have been removed but there are some other really nice ones too.


Well, if that isn't the sweetest thing to say..THANK You for commenting on my work...made my day!!!

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