Making my own stall name plaques, but how?

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l remember those tile ones they were very very nice.
You could go to a sign makers and ask for vinyl letters. They are usually pretty cheap. Like the trailer letters. They have lots of styles and colors and you can just adhere them to wood, plastic, or metal.
I love the stall signs I make that has pictures of my horses and their names on them. By doing this if I have someone horse sitting they always know which horse is which.


However, if you want to make your own, why not buy a backing material, ie wood, plastic, ect. print out the information you want on a piece of paper and then apply it to you sign base using decoupage. Anyone can decoupage.


You might consider creating some artwork on your computer with the horses name and then have the printed copy laminated.

Knowing how seasonal you are you could make one for each season for each horse and change them during the year. Laminating them will protect them through the seasons.

Here is an example of a sign that I made for the World show last year.


Lisa, you could punch holes in the top of the signs and zip tie them to the rails of your stalls.

Hope this helps.
Thank you everyone for your ideas. I surely have much to think about and I'll be busy creating something.

The world "laminating" keeps coming up and pardon my stupidity, I'd like to know how and what you mean?

The only idea I can come up with to "laminate" would be

1. To use clear contact paper and cover the design with it.


2. Find some laquer spray that will not cause the ink to run

Am I on the right track or am I way off?
Marty here is one I did last year for a pollyanna gift, I took a picture glued it on,stained it and used polyurathane, several coats I might add, with light sanding in between coats, attached eye hooks and a chain to hang, the letters are burned in after tracing from a stencil. Putting there names on is just as easy as putting the barn name on one.

The "laminate" is a sheet of plastic stuff you find in the either craft store or stationary store, some have glue on and others you have to heat in a machine to seal up, either will work just fine. An easy way is to take the plastic sheet protectors seal the end up and hang by the holes for the ring binders.

Ok here is mine.

These would work until you can afford fancy ones........ I noticed one of the signs that I made years ago in the barn today. I had made these to hang on the horses stalls at the shows............... I printed out our horses names with big letters onto fancy paper & decoupaged it onto a 10 X 12 piece of thin pressed board. Apply several layers of the glue. Before you glue the name onto the backing you can tear around the edges of the paper if you want or burn the edges with your burn tool (watch the nostrils)..... Drill two small holes & hang. If you don't want to decoupage, put the paper in a picture frame without the glass.. You can change or redo the names easily if you wish.... You can find dozens of cheap frames at your Goodwill, Dollar store or Big Lots............................................... With all of those small pieces of lumber that you have laying around spell out the name using rope, hay string or broken tile pieces. Drill a couple of holes in the wood & use that to hang your sign. Or if you can get your wood burner from your hubby burn the names into the pieces of wood & hang with hay string............. Have any old license plates laying around. Prime the back of them then paint. Paint the name on, glue some rope around the edge & use existing holes to hang - ( or nail to a piece of short lumber & glue some rope around the metal edge for framing. Could run the rope around the wood edge twice - or not).

These are real easy to make- Michaels (or probably any big craft store) sell these

pieces of wood all pre-cut so all you have to do is paint them a solid color and then

print out the name in your favorite font on the computer and just trace it on and paint

in the lines




You can either screw them in to the stall door or attatch a chain.
Marty said:
The world "laminating" keeps coming up and pardon my stupidity, I'd like to know how and what you mean?

The best way I can describe the process is where you place a piece of paper between two sheets of plastic and run them through a heat sealing (laminating) machine. This heat seals the plastic with the paper inside.

Most print shops or office supply stores provide this service.

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