Manager at work saying rude remarks about pregnancy

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Western Pennsylvania
Monday afternoon I was able ti finally get a hold of my OB doctor. I had an appointment tuesday morning, and wanted to make sure they would be open because many business in my area were closed due to the snow conditions, loss of power, and state of emergency here. At that point they did not know if they would be open, but asked if I was having any problems. Well, I did have a concern. I hadn't felt the baby move since between 5 and 7 am on friday morning, and it was now monday afternoon. Normally the baby is VERY active, and I make it a point to sit back just to enjoy him bouncing around everyday. I knew sometimes you dont feel them moving for a day or two, but after 3 days I was worried.

Well, the nurse at my doctors put me on hold, and called my actual doctor. Their reply was to get to the labor and delivery department at my hospital NOW, three days with no fetal movement is something to worry about. Of course I was scheduled to work, so I called them 5 hours ahead of my shift, and explained I was having a concern with the baby, and was on my way to the hospital. My general manager said not to worry and just bring an excuse in saying I was there.

Now, I went back to work last night to find out that there are managers there bad mouthing me. For example, one manager said a few things about how she didn't believe I was really going to the hospital and she thought I just wanted a day off, and that when something really is wrong with my baby then Im going to be the one feeling bad. She actually said this in front of my entire night crew of staff, about 12 people. Im very infuriated about this, yes, there was a problem, and if I wanted to call off a day of work because I didnt feel like going in, it would have been Friday when we got the storm, my heat and power went out, and I wrecked my car twice on the way home. She seems to forget I was the closing supervisor that night, and the next day we were open when the roads still hadn't been touched. I wouldn't care so much if she said something like this to another manager, but she said it to my crew, which lessens my credibility as a supervisor, and makes me look unreliable, not something I need when I depend on them to mutually respect me.

Another manager has been discussing with crew members that with all of the complications I am having with my pregnancy that they dont think im going to be there right until I have the baby, and said i'm no longer as reliable. I understand that I NEVER used to call off, but In 5 1/2 months of being pregnant, I have called off 3 times. One of those times I was out for 2 days. I have never called off without a doctors excuse, and I always give them hours of notice. I also normally find a replacement worker for my own shift, so they don't have to make the calls. Even with calling off three times in 5 1/2 month, I still do not call off half as much of the other members in my management team. My plan is to take my maternity leave right when the baby is due, because I want to be able to spend my entire leave with the baby, and we cant afford for me to not be working. We didn't plan on getting pregnant right now, so we don't have money put away that I can just quit working.

Now, I don't really care what these other managers think, my I am upset at the lack of professionalism they have. I dont think it's right for them to be discussing my medical matters with all of the employees in the store when I am not there, and bad mouthing me. I'm not sure if I should say something to them, or my manager (our general manager or even district manager) because I do want this stopped immediately. Any input?
Ouch! Bad form. Sorry that you are having issues with such things. Good thing you have that doctors note.
Make sure they are made aware of that.
Both of the managers are aware, they were in the office when I went in to give it to our general manager, this was after they already made their comments though.
I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I wish I knew some good advice but I really don't. You hit the nail on the head about them being very unprofessional (not to mention rude, gossipy and childish). Unfortunately, they're the managers... Urgh
Is there someone over their heads? I would think they're treading dangerous water regarding discrimination toward you.
Yes, there is someone over their heads. They are on the same level of management as I am, above their heads is our general manager, and district manager.

Im kind of wanting to go to higher management about it, but dont want to come off as whiny.
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I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I wish I knew some good advice but I really don't. You hit the nail on the head about them being very unprofessional (not to mention rude, gossipy and childish). Unfortunately, they're the managers... Urgh
Is there someone over their heads? I would think they're treading dangerous water regarding discrimination toward you.

Jill said it..... They are definitely treading dangerous water. If I were you, I'd be documenting this sort of behavior because you never know what may happen down the road.
Maybe talk to them directly and nicely ask what the problem is, and how do they think your absence is impacting them?

I am going to ask what nobody else did, how is the baby?
If this gets any worse please make sure you document all the things said as well as all Dr app. documentation is key. Department of labor can help you with this as well. Not sure who you work for but it's a big no no.
[SIZE=12pt]I think you have had good advice so far, documenting is a great idea. You are part of a protected class and what they are doing sounds a lot like discrimination. Telling your bosses over you is a good idea and it’s not whining it’s giving them an opportunity to correct this because in the end they are liable if things get out of control. I hope your baby is fine.[/SIZE]
I'll keep everything documented. I do have the originals of all of my doctors excuses, I make copies for them.

The baby is going to be fine. Prior to being pregnant I had low blood pressure, and it's gotten much lower now. If we cant correct it naturally within 2 weeks we are going to have to look into medications. We're trying to see what can be done without them though, as I really dont want on the medication while pregnant. Im also scheduled for glucose testing.
What they did is not only unprofessional but illegal and morally wrong. This is on par with sexual discrimination and should be strongly nipped in the bud before it gets any farther. I would complain to the general manager, document EVERYTHING and be adamant that it stops NOW!!!
I think this could also fall under "hostile work environment" google that and you will get lots of info

Good luck!

mydaddysjag said:
Now, I went back to work last night to find out that there are managers there bad mouthing me. For example, one manager said a few things about how she didn't believe I was really going to the hospital and she thought I just wanted a day off, and that when something really is wrong with my baby then Im going to be the one feeling bad.
My jaw literally dropped when I read this. What the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks was she thinking?! I'm afraid my first inclination would have been to walk up to her, slap the note down on the desk (or slap her, but that's just my own outraged reaction) and say something cutting about how I appreciate her concern and support.

Okay, so that's not the right thing to do but I sure would have been tempted!

I would definitely go to the general manager and register your concerns. You have done nothing out of line at all and your coworkers are being extremely unprofessional. Glad to hear the baby is doing okay!

OOOhhh, Document everything-keep copies of everything- go ABOVE their heads and give it to upper management (thats what they get paid for) let them handle it and you just keep on truckin"

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