I use the "Missy" metal tined fork(the company-don't know the name-makes the 'Big Daddy' and the "Missy"; they are available by those names in several of the vet supply catalogs.) I have NEVER owned a "miniature" manure fork! In the around-30 years that "manure forks" have actually been made and sold, the "Missy" is the ONLY one I've ever bought(tried the larger "Big Daddy" once, and it was just TOO big; guess it'd work if you had drafties and were a large MAN-LOL! )When I first got Miniatures, and since(I've probably owned about 6 of them since the mid-70s, and they get a LOT of hard use, so you can see why I like them)-I simply take about 10 minutes and bend the tines in so that they are closer together at their tips, giving the fork a sort of "V" shape. Works wonderfully well for the minis, yet I can still use it for my 'big'. I wouldn't have plastic; too easy to break, esp. here, where winter's are cold. The 'Missy' now is up to around $21-22 in cost, before shipping. I have also seen them in area feed stores; even w/ shipping, though, they used to be noticably less expensive to order--but with the extreme escalation in shipping costs, that may have changed. The one I use daily now is around 4-5 years old, and things have certainly changed in that time!