I think it is great that the Classics are spreading North!
Like all breeds of horses, there are a wide variety of personalities. Often times those
personality traits can be traced more through specific bloodlines than lumped together as breed trait. I for one LOVE my Rock "E" bred horses which do tend to be hotter, but I can also see how they may not be the horse for everyone. It can take longer to gain their trust, but there is a lot of self-satisfaction gained in the process. We also have some calmer bloodlines in some of our mares whose personalities aren't any different than some of my minis I used to have.
Arlene gave a good summary for a halter class, so I'll just give a couple general tips for dealing with the hotter ones:
1) They are easier to condition - they typically like to work hard and make the most of their workouts. I have a couple that I can just turn out in the roundpen and they exercise themselves. Not always the best, but when you're short on time, it's great!
2) They tend to eat more than a comparable sized mini - makes sense since they seem to burn more nervous energy just standing around, plus they exercise harder
3) They can take a little longer to train to do things. They actually learn what to do really fast, but making sure whatever is new isn't going to eat them takes a little longer for them to realize.
4) Time, patience, and love - all it takes for an amazing connection
5) The extra alertness gives them an unmistakable presence in the show ring.
I was introduced to the Classic Shetlands in 2003, and have become completely hooked! Personally, I prefer the 38" & under ones, and Mike likes the bigger ones, so we've got both types around here.
And again, there are all types of horse personalities found in a given breed, so if you like the calmer Classics, there are plenty of those out there!