Sigh....I had a whole long thing written out and my computer froze up so lost it
Fae foaled on 4/21/15 a chestnut pintaloosa filly by Monte
Freckles foaled on 4/22/15 a Palomino colt by Remmy
Sassy foaled 4/22/15 a Palomino filly by Remmy
Chippy and her filly are home now too, they are in the left stall so I can keep an eye on them, Sassy and her filly are still in middle for now, no one is in the right stall.
Pics included of ELady's, Chippy's, Fae's, Freckles', and Sassy's babies
Chicky will probably be the next one brought in but waiting til she looks closer. She is at 330 today with a start to her udder but not looking serious yet.
Carrie will probably be next with a 330 day on 5/3
I will post when we add new mares to watch on both cameras.
A note on Cam 2 though is that if it is down that likely means mom is able to watch as they have very limited internet so cant leave it up and running the whole time. If the cam is on it means she needs eyes if not then she is likely watching. Here is the link to cam 2 again too, posted it a few pages back.