Mare aborted last night

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
Troy, North Carolina
We got up this am to find our mare Dreamie muddy and soaking wet. Since it rained over night wet would not have been unusal but muddy was. The first thing I noticed after the mud was she looked thin. Looked in the stall ( they are not stalled at night but have access to one) and sure enough there was an aborted foal. perfect marked buckskin pinto colt. We are really bummed, this would have been our first foal.It was due in May.

Edited to add:

I am now wondering if this was a case of twisted cord?

here is a link to two photos one of the fetus and one closer one of the cord. Warning these are graphic photos.
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I'm so sorry you lost your little colt.
I'm so sorry. That is the most sickening feeling. Last year I was eagerly waiting for our first foal here ever, and she was aborted about 6 weeks early. Perfect filly. It makes me feel like I have to hold my breath this year and not wish for too much.

Again, I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry. I hope Dreamie will be fine. I know its hearbreaking, Romeo's babies are always so pretty.
How absolutely rotten for you. I know you are horribly disappointed. I hope your mare recovers quickly, and you do, too! {{{HUGS}}}
I am very sorry for your loss - many many HUGS to both you and your mare.

I hope your mare is doing well.

Sometimes we just never know why they loose one
I am so sorry for the loss of your foal!
How sad for you! I'm glad your mare is ok!

I'm so sorry
My first foal is due in June, and I'm on pins and needles already everytime I go out to the barn. I'm glad your mare is ok. What a bummer......
Thanks everyone. While Dreamie seems to be doing fine both my husband and I are still pretty down.

I went back and pulled the fetus out to look at it again and take photos. I now think it may have been a case of twisted cord, but not sure as I guess the twisting could have happened after the foal was born and before the placenta was passed. ( I posted a link to a couple of photos in hopes those with more experience can give me an idea of what may have gone wrong)

They are graphic so please don't look if they will upset you.
The cord does look to be twisted around more than what I would expect for happening after the birth. IMO...I am no expert that is for sure! anyone else?
I'm so sorry that you lost your colt.
I think you're right about the twisted cord. What a bummer.
I am so sorry for your loss.

Foaling season comes with its joys and sorrows. Every morning when I feed my horses at this time of year, I am always so worried I will find an aborted foal. Seems that there is at least one every season. ( one filly so far this year, hope that it will be the only one)

Then when the mares are ready to foal, I have a mixture of excitement and worry that everything will be alright. Once the foal is out and alive, I can breath a sigh of relief (though last year I lost one at 3 days old).

Foaling season can be the best and the worst time of the year. But each year we do it over and over again.

Glad that your mare is alright.
I'm so sorry about the colt

It always hurts to lose a baby. I'm always holding my breath in fear every day praying we don't lose one. {{{{Hugs}}}}

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