Last night. Just this
I won't be mean with the dramatics this time, we have a foal safely on the ground.
The reason I'm saying that first for once is it was NOT easy.
When Kirra set the alarm off it didn't take my long to get to her... so I had to watch her get up and go down a few times with no pushing.
Gave her a few gos before cleaning my hands and going in. I've never had to go all the way in before, when I pulled Freyja out she was just there. I hit what felt like a wall, a wall that would go back if I pushed. No feet, no features to know what was going on.
Got out and called the vet while I got Kirra to her feet to walk her. She went down twice while I was talking to him and then getting my dad out to help.
Somehow in those two rolls she had adjusted the position and when she went down a third time a leg and a face shot out. I went in after the other leg and then kept pulling to get it in the right spot. All while getting covered in fluid and blood. And with my torch dead, it started to die as soon as thing started to go wrong of course.
She stood pretty quickly but Kirra was up and down with pain for the next two hours, even with painkillers. The filly was also struggling with her sight and kept bumping into things. It took five hours for her to latch on and drink after trying for two, it was like she didn't even care about the udder for the first three.
I went inside for an hours sleep after they both went down for a nap of their own. Vet had been put off until normal hours after I got the foal out. He's been and given them both shots. Kirra has some tearing and minor blood loss so she'll be on antibiotics for awhile. The filly has swollen eyes from the pressure during the birth which is probably why she was having sight issues.
Both are expected to be 100% fine
So say hi to Marlanoc SF The Valkyrie
And block your ears, because an appie friend freaked out when she saw this so Di might do the same
Apparently I have a silver bay snowcap.